Please **do not** send pull-requests or open new issues on Github. Github is a downstream mirror and is not frequently monitored, all development is coordinated upstream on GNU resources. * Send general questions or suggestions to: . * Send bugs reports to: . ## Bug reports Before reporting a new bug, please check the following resources: * Coreutils FAQ: * Coreutils Gotchas: contains a list of some quirks and unexpected behavior (which are often mistaken for bugs). * Online Manual: * Search the archives for previous questions and answers: * Coreutils Mailing list (General usage and advice): * Bug reports Mailing List: * Open Bugs: * Translation related issues: ## Effective bug reports * Include a descriptive subject line (e.g. the program with which you experience a problem, and what the problem is). * Include the version of the program (e.g. the output of `PROG --version`). * Include the operating system and the type of hardware you are using (e.g. the output of `uname -a`). * Include the exact command and parameters you have used. * Clearly explain what is the output you expected to get, and what is the actual result you encountered. * Include as much information as possible to reproduce the problem. If the problem happens on a very large input file, try to provide a minimal example (a subset of the input file) that still causes the problem. *Do not* include attachments over 40kB. * List policy is reply-to-all, and non-subscribers may post. * There may be a moderation delay for a first-time post, whether or not you subscribe. ## Mailing List Etiquette When sending messages to or : * Send messages as plain text. * Do not send messages encoded as HTML nor encoded as base64 MIME nor included as multiple formats. * Avoid sending large messages, such as log files, system call trace output, and other content resulting in messages over about 40 kB. * Avoid sending screenshots (e.g. PNG files). When reporting errors you encounter on the terminal, copy and paste the text to your message.