Lines Matching defs:hfs_mdb

240 struct hfs_mdb {  struct
241 __be16 drSigWord; /* Signature word indicating fs type */
242 __be32 drCrDate; /* fs creation date/time */
243 __be32 drLsMod; /* fs modification date/time */
244 __be16 drAtrb; /* fs attributes */
245 __be16 drNmFls; /* number of files in root directory */
246 __be16 drVBMSt; /* location (in 512-byte blocks)
248 __be16 drAllocPtr; /* location (in allocation blocks)
250 __be16 drNmAlBlks; /* number of allocation blocks */
251 __be32 drAlBlkSiz; /* bytes in an allocation block */
252 __be32 drClpSiz; /* clumpsize, the number of bytes to
254 __be16 drAlBlSt; /* location (in 512-byte blocks)
256 __be32 drNxtCNID; /* CNID to assign to the next
258 __be16 drFreeBks; /* number of free allocation blocks */
259 u8 drVN[28]; /* the volume label */
260 __be32 drVolBkUp; /* fs backup date/time */
261 __be16 drVSeqNum; /* backup sequence number */
262 __be32 drWrCnt; /* fs write count */
263 __be32 drXTClpSiz; /* clumpsize for the extents B-tree */
264 __be32 drCTClpSiz; /* clumpsize for the catalog B-tree */
265 __be16 drNmRtDirs; /* number of directories in
267 __be32 drFilCnt; /* number of files in the fs */
268 __be32 drDirCnt; /* number of directories in the fs */
269 u8 drFndrInfo[32]; /* data used by the Finder */
270 __be16 drEmbedSigWord; /* embedded volume signature */
271 __be32 drEmbedExtent; /* starting block number (xdrStABN)
275 __be32 drXTFlSize; /* bytes in the extents B-tree */
276 hfs_extent_rec drXTExtRec; /* extents B-tree's first 3 extents */
277 __be32 drCTFlSize; /* bytes in the catalog B-tree */
278 hfs_extent_rec drCTExtRec; /* catalog B-tree's first 3 extents */