#!/bin/sh # Show that --color need not use stat, as long as we have d_type support. # Copyright (C) 2011-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . . "${srcdir=.}/tests/init.sh"; path_prepend_ ./src print_ver_ ls require_strace_ stat require_dirent_d_type_ stats='stat' # List of other _file name_ stat functions to increase coverage. other_stats='statx lstat stat64 lstat64 newfstatat fstatat64' for stat in $other_stats; do strace -qe "$stat" true > /dev/null 2>&1 && stats="$stats,$stat" done # Disable enough features via LS_COLORS so that ls --color # can do its job without calling stat (other than the obligatory # one-call-per-command-line argument). cat < color-without-stat || framework_failure_ RESET 0 DIR 01;34 LINK 01;36 FIFO 40;33 SOCK 01;35 DOOR 01;35 BLK 40;33;01 CHR 40;33;01 ORPHAN 00 SETUID 00 SETGID 00 CAPABILITY 00 STICKY_OTHER_WRITABLE 00 OTHER_WRITABLE 00 STICKY 00 EXEC 00 MULTIHARDLINK 00 EOF eval $(dircolors -b color-without-stat) # The system may perform additional stat-like calls before main. # Furthermore, underlying library functions may also implicitly # add an extra stat call, e.g. opendir since glibc-2.21-360-g46f894d. # Finally, ls(1) makes a stat call for stdout, but only in the case # when there is something to output. # To get the comparison right, first get a baseline count for running # 'ls -a' with one empty directory argument. Then, compare that with # the invocation under test. mkdir d || framework_failure_ count_stats() { grep -vE '\+\+\+|ENOSYS|NOTSUP' "$1" | wc -l; } strace -q -o log1 -e $stats ls -a --color=always d || fail=1 n_stat1=$(count_stats log1) || framework_failure_ test $n_stat1 = 0 \ && skip_ 'No stat calls recognized on this platform' # Populate the test directory. mkdir d/subdir \ && touch d/regf \ && ln d/regf d/hlink \ && ln -s regf d/slink \ && ln -s nowhere d/dangle \ || framework_failure_ # Invocation under test. strace -q -o log2 -e $stats ls --color=always d || fail=1 n_stat2=$(count_stats log2) || framework_failure_ # Expect the same number of stat calls. test $n_stat1 = $n_stat2 \ || { fail=1; head -n30 log*; } Exit $fail