/* * Copyright (c) 2011,2017-2021 The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. * * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for * any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the * above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all * copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL * WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR * PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER * TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern int spectral_debug_level; #ifdef OPTIMIZED_SAMP_MESSAGE QDF_STATUS target_if_spectral_fill_samp_msg(struct target_if_spectral *spectral, struct target_if_samp_msg_params *params) { struct spectral_samp_msg *spec_samp_msg; struct per_session_det_map *det_map; enum spectral_msg_type msg_type; QDF_STATUS ret; uint16_t dest_det_idx; enum spectral_scan_mode spectral_mode; uint16_t pwr_format; struct spectral_data_stats *spectral_dp_stats; if (!spectral) { spectral_err_rl("Spectral LMAC object is null"); return QDF_STATUS_E_NULL_VALUE; } spectral_dp_stats = &spectral->data_stats; spectral_dp_stats->fill_samp_msg_calls++; if (!params) { spectral_err_rl("SAMP msg params structure is null"); return QDF_STATUS_E_NULL_VALUE; } if (params->hw_detector_id >= SPECTRAL_DETECTOR_ID_MAX) { spectral_err_rl("Invalid detector ID"); return QDF_STATUS_E_FAILURE; } spectral_mode = spectral->rparams.detid_mode_table[params->hw_detector_id]; if (spectral_mode >= SPECTRAL_SCAN_MODE_MAX) { spectral_err_rl("No valid Spectral mode for detector id %u", params->hw_detector_id); return QDF_STATUS_E_FAILURE; } ret = target_if_get_spectral_msg_type(spectral_mode, &msg_type); if (QDF_IS_STATUS_ERROR(ret)) { spectral_err_rl("Invalid spectral msg type"); return QDF_STATUS_E_FAILURE; } pwr_format = spectral->params[spectral_mode].ss_pwr_format; qdf_spin_lock_bh(&spectral->session_det_map_lock); if (!spectral->det_map[params->hw_detector_id]. det_map_valid[spectral_mode]) { qdf_spin_unlock_bh(&spectral->session_det_map_lock); spectral_info("Detector Map not valid for det id = %d and spectral mode = %d", params->hw_detector_id, spectral_mode); return QDF_STATUS_E_FAILURE; } det_map = &spectral->det_map[params->hw_detector_id]; spec_samp_msg = spectral->nl_cb.get_sbuff(spectral->pdev_obj, msg_type, det_map->buf_type); if (!spec_samp_msg) { qdf_spin_unlock_bh(&spectral->session_det_map_lock); spectral_err_rl("Spectral SAMP message is NULL"); return QDF_STATUS_E_FAILURE; } for (dest_det_idx = 0; dest_det_idx < det_map->num_dest_det_info; dest_det_idx++) { struct per_session_dest_det_info *map_det_info; struct samp_freq_span_info *span_info; struct samp_detector_info *detector_info; uint8_t dest_detector_id; uint8_t span_id; struct samp_edge_extra_bin_info *lb_edge_bins; struct samp_edge_extra_bin_info *rb_edge_bins; uint8_t *bin_pwr_data; size_t pwr_count; uint16_t num_edge_bins; uint16_t start_bin_index; uint32_t bytes_copied; map_det_info = &det_map->dest_det_info[dest_det_idx]; span_id = map_det_info->freq_span_id; span_info = &spec_samp_msg->freq_span_info[span_id]; span_info->num_detectors++; dest_detector_id = map_det_info->det_id; detector_info = &span_info->detector_info[dest_detector_id]; lb_edge_bins = &detector_info->left_edge_bins; rb_edge_bins = &detector_info->right_edge_bins; detector_info->start_frequency = map_det_info->start_freq; detector_info->end_frequency = map_det_info->end_freq; detector_info->start_bin_idx = map_det_info->dest_start_bin_idx; detector_info->end_bin_idx = map_det_info->dest_end_bin_idx; lb_edge_bins->start_bin_idx = map_det_info->lb_extrabins_start_idx; lb_edge_bins->num_bins = map_det_info->lb_extrabins_num; rb_edge_bins->start_bin_idx = map_det_info->rb_extrabins_start_idx; rb_edge_bins->num_bins = map_det_info->rb_extrabins_num; start_bin_index = detector_info->start_bin_idx; detector_info->rssi = params->rssi; detector_info->last_raw_timestamp = params->last_raw_timestamp; detector_info->reset_delay = params->reset_delay; detector_info->raw_timestamp = params->raw_timestamp; detector_info->timestamp = params->timestamp; detector_info->timestamp_war_offset = spectral->timestamp_war. timestamp_war_offset[spectral_mode]; detector_info->max_magnitude = params->max_mag; detector_info->max_index = params->max_index; detector_info->noise_floor = params->noise_floor; detector_info->agc_total_gain = params->agc_total_gain; detector_info->gainchange = params->gainchange; detector_info->is_sec80 = map_det_info->is_sec80; detector_info->blanking_status = params->blanking_status; /* In 165MHz, Pri80 indication to be set for Span ID 0 only */ if (span_id == SPECTRAL_FREQ_SPAN_ID_0) detector_info->pri80ind = params->pri80ind; bin_pwr_data = ¶ms->bin_pwr_data [map_det_info->src_start_bin_idx]; pwr_count = detector_info->end_bin_idx - detector_info->start_bin_idx + 1; num_edge_bins = lb_edge_bins->num_bins + rb_edge_bins->num_bins; /* Copy left edge bins */ if (lb_edge_bins->num_bins > 0) { ret = target_if_spectral_copy_fft_bins( spectral, bin_pwr_data, &spec_samp_msg->bin_pwr[ lb_edge_bins->start_bin_idx], lb_edge_bins->num_bins, &bytes_copied, pwr_format); if (QDF_IS_STATUS_ERROR(ret)) { qdf_spin_unlock_bh( &spectral->session_det_map_lock); spectral_err_rl("Unable to copy left edge FFT bins"); return QDF_STATUS_E_FAILURE; } /* Advance the fft bin pointer in the report */ bin_pwr_data += bytes_copied; } /* Copy the in-band and out-band bins */ ret = target_if_spectral_copy_fft_bins( spectral, bin_pwr_data, &spec_samp_msg->bin_pwr[start_bin_index], pwr_count, &bytes_copied, pwr_format); if (QDF_IS_STATUS_ERROR(ret)) { qdf_spin_unlock_bh( &spectral->session_det_map_lock); spectral_err_rl("Unable to copy in-band/out-band FFT bins"); return QDF_STATUS_E_FAILURE; } /* Advance the fft bin pointer in the report */ bin_pwr_data += bytes_copied; /* Copy right edge bins */ if (rb_edge_bins->num_bins > 0) { ret = target_if_spectral_copy_fft_bins( spectral, bin_pwr_data, &spec_samp_msg->bin_pwr[ rb_edge_bins->start_bin_idx], rb_edge_bins->num_bins, &bytes_copied, pwr_format); if (QDF_IS_STATUS_ERROR(ret)) { qdf_spin_unlock_bh( &spectral->session_det_map_lock); spectral_err_rl("Unable to copy right edge FFT bins"); return QDF_STATUS_E_FAILURE; } /* Advance the fft bin pointer in the report */ bin_pwr_data += bytes_copied; } spec_samp_msg->bin_pwr_count += (pwr_count + num_edge_bins); } if (det_map->send_to_upper_layers) { /* Fill per-report information */ struct per_session_report_info *rpt_info; struct target_if_spectral_ops *p_sops; p_sops = GET_TARGET_IF_SPECTRAL_OPS(spectral); qdf_spin_lock_bh(&spectral->session_report_info_lock); rpt_info = &spectral->report_info[spectral_mode]; if (!rpt_info->valid) { qdf_spin_unlock_bh(&spectral->session_report_info_lock); qdf_spin_unlock_bh(&spectral->session_det_map_lock); spectral_info("per-session report info is not valid"); return QDF_STATUS_E_FAILURE; } spec_samp_msg->signature = SPECTRAL_SIGNATURE; p_sops->get_mac_address(spectral, spec_samp_msg->macaddr); spec_samp_msg->spectral_mode = spectral_mode; spec_samp_msg->target_reset_count = spectral->timestamp_war.target_reset_count; spec_samp_msg->operating_bw = spectral->nl_cb. convert_to_nl_ch_width(rpt_info->operating_bw); if (spec_samp_msg->operating_bw < 0) { spectral_err_rl("Invalid operating channel width %d", rpt_info->operating_bw); return QDF_STATUS_E_FAILURE; } spec_samp_msg->pri20_freq = rpt_info->pri20_freq; spec_samp_msg->cfreq1 = rpt_info->cfreq1; spec_samp_msg->cfreq2 = rpt_info->cfreq2; spec_samp_msg->sscan_cfreq1 = rpt_info->sscan_cfreq1; spec_samp_msg->sscan_cfreq2 = rpt_info->sscan_cfreq2; spec_samp_msg->sscan_bw = spectral->nl_cb. convert_to_nl_ch_width(rpt_info->sscan_bw); if (spec_samp_msg->sscan_bw < 0) { spectral_err_rl("Invalid sscan channel width %d", rpt_info->sscan_bw); return QDF_STATUS_E_FAILURE; } spec_samp_msg->fft_width = FFT_BIN_SIZE_1BYTE; spec_samp_msg->num_freq_spans = rpt_info->num_spans; qdf_spin_unlock_bh(&spectral->session_report_info_lock); spec_samp_msg->spectral_upper_rssi = params->upper_rssi; spec_samp_msg->spectral_lower_rssi = params->lower_rssi; qdf_mem_copy(spec_samp_msg->spectral_chain_ctl_rssi, params->chain_ctl_rssi, sizeof(params->chain_ctl_rssi)); qdf_mem_copy(spec_samp_msg->spectral_chain_ext_rssi, params->chain_ext_rssi, sizeof(params->chain_ext_rssi)); if (spectral_debug_level & DEBUG_SPECTRAL4) target_if_dbg_print_samp_msg(spec_samp_msg); spectral_dp_stats->msgs_ready_for_user++; if (spectral->send_phy_data(spectral->pdev_obj, msg_type) == 0) { spectral->spectral_sent_msg++; spectral_dp_stats->msgs_queued_to_user++; } if (spectral->spectral_gen == SPECTRAL_GEN3) reset_160mhz_delivery_state_machine(spectral, spectral_mode); } qdf_spin_unlock_bh(&spectral->session_det_map_lock); return QDF_STATUS_SUCCESS; } #endif /* OPTIMIZED_SAMP_MESSAGE */ #ifndef OPTIMIZED_SAMP_MESSAGE void target_if_spectral_create_samp_msg(struct target_if_spectral *spectral, struct target_if_samp_msg_params *params) { /* * XXX : Non-Rentrant. Will be an issue with dual concurrent * operation on multi-processor system */ struct spectral_samp_msg *spec_samp_msg = NULL; uint8_t *bin_pwr_data = NULL; struct spectral_classifier_params *cp = NULL; struct spectral_classifier_params *pcp = NULL; struct target_if_spectral_ops *p_sops = NULL; uint32_t *binptr_32 = NULL; uint16_t *binptr_16 = NULL; uint16_t pwr_16; int idx = 0; struct spectral_samp_data *samp_data; static int samp_msg_index; size_t pwr_count = 0; size_t pwr_count_sec80 = 0; size_t pwr_count_5mhz = 0; enum spectral_msg_type msg_type; QDF_STATUS ret; struct spectral_fft_bin_len_adj_swar *swar = &spectral->len_adj_swar; ret = target_if_get_spectral_msg_type(params->smode, &msg_type); if (QDF_IS_STATUS_ERROR(ret)) return; if (is_primaryseg_rx_inprog(spectral, params->smode)) { spec_samp_msg = (struct spectral_samp_msg *) spectral->nl_cb.get_sbuff(spectral->pdev_obj, msg_type, SPECTRAL_MSG_BUF_NEW); if (!spec_samp_msg) return; samp_data = &spec_samp_msg->samp_data; p_sops = GET_TARGET_IF_SPECTRAL_OPS(spectral); bin_pwr_data = params->bin_pwr_data; spec_samp_msg->signature = SPECTRAL_SIGNATURE; spec_samp_msg->freq = params->freq; spec_samp_msg->agile_freq1 = params->agile_freq1; spec_samp_msg->agile_freq2 = params->agile_freq2; spec_samp_msg->freq_loading = params->freq_loading; spec_samp_msg->vhtop_ch_freq_seg1 = params->vhtop_ch_freq_seg1; spec_samp_msg->vhtop_ch_freq_seg2 = params->vhtop_ch_freq_seg2; samp_data->spectral_mode = params->smode; samp_data->spectral_data_len = params->datalen; samp_data->spectral_rssi = params->rssi; samp_data->ch_width = spectral->ch_width[SPECTRAL_SCAN_MODE_NORMAL]; samp_data->agile_ch_width = spectral->ch_width[SPECTRAL_SCAN_MODE_AGILE]; samp_data->spectral_agc_total_gain = params->agc_total_gain; samp_data->spectral_gainchange = params->gainchange; samp_data->spectral_pri80ind = params->pri80ind; samp_data->last_raw_timestamp = params->last_raw_timestamp; samp_data->timestamp_war_offset = params->timestamp_war_offset; samp_data->raw_timestamp = params->raw_timestamp; samp_data->reset_delay = params->reset_delay; samp_data->target_reset_count = params->target_reset_count; samp_data->spectral_combined_rssi = (uint8_t)params->rssi; samp_data->spectral_upper_rssi = params->upper_rssi; samp_data->spectral_lower_rssi = params->lower_rssi; qdf_mem_copy(samp_data->spectral_chain_ctl_rssi, params->chain_ctl_rssi, sizeof(params->chain_ctl_rssi)); qdf_mem_copy(samp_data->spectral_chain_ext_rssi, params->chain_ext_rssi, sizeof(params->chain_ext_rssi)); samp_data->spectral_bwinfo = params->bwinfo; samp_data->spectral_tstamp = params->tstamp; samp_data->spectral_max_index = params->max_index; /* Classifier in user space needs access to these */ samp_data->spectral_lower_max_index = params->max_lower_index; samp_data->spectral_upper_max_index = params->max_upper_index; samp_data->spectral_nb_lower = params->nb_lower; samp_data->spectral_nb_upper = params->nb_upper; samp_data->spectral_last_tstamp = params->last_tstamp; samp_data->spectral_max_mag = params->max_mag; /* * Currently, we compute pwr_count considering the size of the * samp_data->bin_pwr array rather than the number of elements * in this array. The reasons are that * SPECTRAL_MESSAGE_COPY_CHAR_ARRAY() where pwr_count will be * used maps directly to OS_MEMCPY() on little endian platforms, * and that samp_data->bin_pwr is an array of u_int8_t elements * due to which the number of elements in the array == the size * of the array. In case FFT bin size is increased from 8 bits * in the future, this code would have to be changed along with * rest of framework on which it depends. */ pwr_count = qdf_min((size_t)params->pwr_count, sizeof(samp_data->bin_pwr)); samp_data->bin_pwr_count = pwr_count; samp_data->lb_edge_extrabins = spectral->lb_edge_extrabins; samp_data->rb_edge_extrabins = spectral->rb_edge_extrabins; samp_data->spectral_combined_rssi = params->rssi; samp_data->spectral_max_scale = params->max_exp; samp_data->noise_floor = params->noise_floor; /* Classifier in user space needs access to these */ cp = &samp_data->classifier_params; pcp = ¶ms->classifier_params; qdf_mem_copy(cp, pcp, sizeof(struct spectral_classifier_params)); /* * To check whether FFT bin values exceed 8 bits, we add a * check before copying values to samp_data->bin_pwr. * If it crosses 8 bits, we cap the values to maximum value * supported by 8 bits ie. 255. This needs to be done as the * destination array in SAMP message is 8 bits. This is a * temporary solution till an array of 16 bits is used for * SAMP message. */ if (swar->fftbin_size_war == SPECTRAL_FFTBIN_SIZE_WAR_4BYTE_TO_1BYTE) { binptr_32 = (uint32_t *)bin_pwr_data; for (idx = 0; idx < pwr_count; idx++) { /* Read only the first 2 bytes of the DWORD */ pwr_16 = *((uint16_t *)binptr_32++); if (qdf_unlikely(pwr_16 > MAX_FFTBIN_VALUE)) pwr_16 = MAX_FFTBIN_VALUE; samp_data->bin_pwr[idx] = pwr_16; } } else if (swar->fftbin_size_war == SPECTRAL_FFTBIN_SIZE_WAR_2BYTE_TO_1BYTE) { binptr_16 = (uint16_t *)bin_pwr_data; for (idx = 0; idx < pwr_count; idx++) { pwr_16 = *(binptr_16++); if (qdf_unlikely(pwr_16 > MAX_FFTBIN_VALUE)) pwr_16 = MAX_FFTBIN_VALUE; samp_data->bin_pwr[idx] = pwr_16; } } else { SPECTRAL_MESSAGE_COPY_CHAR_ARRAY( &samp_data->bin_pwr[0], bin_pwr_data, pwr_count); } p_sops->get_mac_address(spectral, spec_samp_msg->macaddr); } if (is_secondaryseg_rx_inprog(spectral, params->smode)) { spec_samp_msg = (struct spectral_samp_msg *) spectral->nl_cb.get_sbuff(spectral->pdev_obj, msg_type, SPECTRAL_MSG_BUF_SAVED); if (!spec_samp_msg) { spectral_err("Spectral SAMP message is NULL"); return; } samp_data = &spec_samp_msg->samp_data; samp_data->spectral_rssi_sec80 = params->rssi_sec80; samp_data->noise_floor_sec80 = params->noise_floor_sec80; spec_samp_msg->samp_data.spectral_agc_total_gain_sec80 = params->agc_total_gain_sec80; spec_samp_msg->samp_data.spectral_gainchange_sec80 = params->gainchange_sec80; spec_samp_msg->samp_data.spectral_pri80ind_sec80 = params->pri80ind_sec80; samp_data->spectral_data_len_sec80 = params->datalen_sec80; samp_data->spectral_max_index_sec80 = params->max_index_sec80; samp_data->spectral_max_mag_sec80 = params->max_mag_sec80; samp_data->raw_timestamp_sec80 = params->raw_timestamp_sec80; /* * Currently, we compute pwr_count_sec80 considering the size of * the samp_data->bin_pwr_sec80 array rather than the number of * elements in this array. The reasons are that * SPECTRAL_MESSAGE_COPY_CHAR_ARRAY() where pwr_count_sec80 will * be used maps directly to OS_MEMCPY() on little endian * platforms, and that samp_data->bin_pwr_sec80 is an array of * u_int8_t elements due to which the number of elements in the * array == the size of the array. In case FFT bin size is * increased from 8 bits in the future, this code would have to * be changed along with rest of framework on which it depends. */ pwr_count_sec80 = qdf_min((size_t)params->pwr_count_sec80, sizeof(samp_data->bin_pwr_sec80)); pwr_count_5mhz = qdf_min((size_t)params->pwr_count_5mhz, sizeof(samp_data->bin_pwr_5mhz)); samp_data->bin_pwr_count_sec80 = pwr_count_sec80; samp_data->bin_pwr_count_5mhz = pwr_count_5mhz; bin_pwr_data = params->bin_pwr_data_sec80; /* * To check whether FFT bin values exceed 8 bits, we add a * check before copying values to samp_data->bin_pwr_sec80. * If it crosses 8 bits, we cap the values to maximum value * supported by 8 bits ie. 255. This needs to be done as the * destination array in SAMP message is 8 bits. This is a * temporary solution till an array of 16 bits is used for * SAMP message. */ if (swar->fftbin_size_war == SPECTRAL_FFTBIN_SIZE_WAR_4BYTE_TO_1BYTE) { binptr_32 = (uint32_t *)bin_pwr_data; for (idx = 0; idx < pwr_count_sec80; idx++) { /* Read only the first 2 bytes of the DWORD */ pwr_16 = *((uint16_t *)binptr_32++); if (qdf_unlikely(pwr_16 > MAX_FFTBIN_VALUE)) pwr_16 = MAX_FFTBIN_VALUE; samp_data->bin_pwr_sec80[idx] = pwr_16; } } else if (swar->fftbin_size_war == SPECTRAL_FFTBIN_SIZE_WAR_2BYTE_TO_1BYTE) { binptr_16 = (uint16_t *)bin_pwr_data; for (idx = 0; idx < pwr_count_sec80; idx++) { pwr_16 = *(binptr_16++); if (qdf_unlikely(pwr_16 > MAX_FFTBIN_VALUE)) pwr_16 = MAX_FFTBIN_VALUE; samp_data->bin_pwr_sec80[idx] = pwr_16; } binptr_16 = (uint16_t *)params->bin_pwr_data_5mhz; for (idx = 0; idx < pwr_count_5mhz; idx++) { pwr_16 = *(binptr_16++); if (qdf_unlikely(pwr_16 > MAX_FFTBIN_VALUE)) pwr_16 = MAX_FFTBIN_VALUE; samp_data->bin_pwr_5mhz[idx] = pwr_16; } } else { SPECTRAL_MESSAGE_COPY_CHAR_ARRAY( &samp_data->bin_pwr_sec80[0], params->bin_pwr_data_sec80, pwr_count_sec80); } } if (!is_ch_width_160_or_80p80(spectral->ch_width[params->smode]) || is_secondaryseg_rx_inprog(spectral, params->smode)) { if (spectral->send_phy_data(spectral->pdev_obj, msg_type) == 0) spectral->spectral_sent_msg++; samp_msg_index++; } /* Take care of state transitions for 160MHz/ 80p80 */ if (spectral->spectral_gen == SPECTRAL_GEN3 && is_ch_width_160_or_80p80(spectral->ch_width[params->smode]) && spectral->rparams.fragmentation_160[params->smode]) target_if_160mhz_delivery_state_change( spectral, params->smode, SPECTRAL_DETECTOR_ID_INVALID); } #endif