1 /* tr -- a filter to translate characters
2    Copyright (C) 1991-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
4    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
7    (at your option) any later version.
9    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12    GNU General Public License for more details.
14    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15    along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
17 /* Written by Jim Meyering */
19 #include <config.h>
21 #include <stdio.h>
22 #include <sys/types.h>
23 #include <getopt.h>
25 #include "system.h"
26 #include "assure.h"
27 #include "fadvise.h"
28 #include "quote.h"
29 #include "safe-read.h"
30 #include "xbinary-io.h"
31 #include "xstrtol.h"
33 /* The official name of this program (e.g., no 'g' prefix).  */
34 #define PROGRAM_NAME "tr"
36 #define AUTHORS proper_name ("Jim Meyering")
38 enum { N_CHARS = UCHAR_MAX + 1 };
40 /* An unsigned integer type big enough to hold a repeat count or an
41    unsigned character.  POSIX requires support for repeat counts as
42    high as 2**31 - 1.  Since repeat counts might need to expand to
43    match the length of an argument string, we need at least size_t to
44    avoid arbitrary internal limits.  It doesn't cost much to use
45    uintmax_t, though.  */
46 typedef uintmax_t count;
48 /* The value for Spec_list->state that indicates to
49    get_next that it should initialize the tail pointer.
50    Its value should be as large as possible to avoid conflict
51    a valid value for the state field -- and that may be as
52    large as any valid repeat_count.  */
53 #define BEGIN_STATE (UINTMAX_MAX - 1)
55 /* The value for Spec_list->state that indicates to
56    get_next that the element pointed to by Spec_list->tail is
57    being considered for the first time on this pass through the
58    list -- it indicates that get_next should make any necessary
59    initializations.  */
60 #define NEW_ELEMENT (BEGIN_STATE + 1)
62 /* The maximum possible repeat count.  Due to how the states are
63    implemented, it can be as much as BEGIN_STATE.  */
66 /* The following (but not CC_NO_CLASS) are indices into the array of
67    valid character class strings.  */
68 enum Char_class
69   {
70     CC_ALNUM = 0, CC_ALPHA = 1, CC_BLANK = 2, CC_CNTRL = 3,
71     CC_DIGIT = 4, CC_GRAPH = 5, CC_LOWER = 6, CC_PRINT = 7,
72     CC_PUNCT = 8, CC_SPACE = 9, CC_UPPER = 10, CC_XDIGIT = 11,
73     CC_NO_CLASS = 9999
74   };
76 /* Character class to which a character (returned by get_next) belonged;
77    but it is set only if the construct from which the character was obtained
78    was one of the character classes [:upper:] or [:lower:].  The value
79    is used only when translating and then, only to make sure that upper
80    and lower class constructs have the same relative positions in string1
81    and string2.  */
82 enum Upper_Lower_class
83   {
84     UL_LOWER,
85     UL_UPPER,
86     UL_NONE
87   };
89 /* The type of a List_element.  See build_spec_list for more details.  */
90 enum Range_element_type
91   {
93     RE_RANGE,
97   };
99 /* One construct in one of tr's argument strings.
100    For example, consider the POSIX version of the classic tr command:
101        tr -cs 'a-zA-Z_' '[\n*]'
102    String1 has 3 constructs, two of which are ranges (a-z and A-Z),
103    and a single normal character, '_'.  String2 has one construct.  */
104 struct List_element
105   {
106     enum Range_element_type type;
107     struct List_element *next;
108     union
109       {
110         unsigned char normal_char;
111         struct			/* unnamed */
112           {
113             unsigned char first_char;
114             unsigned char last_char;
115           }
116         range;
117         enum Char_class char_class;
118         unsigned char equiv_code;
119         struct			/* unnamed */
120           {
121             unsigned char the_repeated_char;
122             count repeat_count;
123           }
124         repeated_char;
125       }
126     u;
127   };
129 /* Each of tr's argument strings is parsed into a form that is easier
130    to work with: a linked list of constructs (struct List_element).
131    Each Spec_list structure also encapsulates various attributes of
132    the corresponding argument string.  The attributes are used mainly
133    to verify that the strings are valid in the context of any options
134    specified (like -s, -d, or -c).  The main exception is the member
135    'tail', which is first used to construct the list.  After construction,
136    it is used by get_next to save its state when traversing the list.
137    The member 'state' serves a similar function.  */
138 struct Spec_list
139   {
140     /* Points to the head of the list of range elements.
141        The first struct is a dummy; its members are never used.  */
142     struct List_element *head;
144     /* When appending, points to the last element.  When traversing via
145        get_next(), points to the element to process next.  Setting
146        Spec_list.state to the value BEGIN_STATE before calling get_next
147        signals get_next to initialize tail to point to head->next.  */
148     struct List_element *tail;
150     /* Used to save state between calls to get_next.  */
151     count state;
153     /* Length, in the sense that length ('a-z[:digit:]123abc')
154        is 42 ( = 26 + 10 + 6).  */
155     count length;
157     /* The number of [c*] and [c*0] constructs that appear in this spec.  */
158     size_t n_indefinite_repeats;
160     /* If n_indefinite_repeats is nonzero, this points to the List_element
161        corresponding to the last [c*] or [c*0] construct encountered in
162        this spec.  Otherwise it is undefined.  */
163     struct List_element *indefinite_repeat_element;
165     /* True if this spec contains at least one equivalence
166        class construct e.g. [=c=].  */
167     bool has_equiv_class;
169     /* True if this spec contains at least one character class
170        construct.  E.g. [:digit:].  */
171     bool has_char_class;
173     /* True if this spec contains at least one of the character class
174        constructs (all but upper and lower) that aren't allowed in s2.  */
175     bool has_restricted_char_class;
176   };
178 /* A representation for escaped string1 or string2.  As a string is parsed,
179    any backslash-escaped characters (other than octal or \a, \b, \f, \n,
180    etc.) are marked as such in this structure by setting the corresponding
181    entry in the ESCAPED vector.  */
182 struct E_string
183 {
184   char *s;
185   bool *escaped;
186   size_t len;
187 };
189 /* Return nonzero if the Ith character of escaped string ES matches C
190    and is not escaped itself.  */
191 static inline bool
es_match(struct E_string const * es,size_t i,char c)192 es_match (struct E_string const *es, size_t i, char c)
193 {
194   return es->s[i] == c && !es->escaped[i];
195 }
197 /* When true, each sequence in the input of a repeated character
198    (call it c) is replaced (in the output) by a single occurrence of c
199    for every c in the squeeze set.  */
200 static bool squeeze_repeats = false;
202 /* When true, removes characters in the delete set from input.  */
203 static bool delete = false;
205 /* Use the complement of set1 in place of set1.  */
206 static bool complement = false;
208 /* When tr is performing translation and string1 is longer than string2,
209    POSIX says that the result is unspecified.  That gives the implementer
210    of a POSIX conforming version of tr two reasonable choices for the
211    semantics of this case.
213    * The BSD tr pads string2 to the length of string1 by
214    repeating the last character in string2.
216    * System V tr ignores characters in string1 that have no
217    corresponding character in string2.  That is, string1 is effectively
218    truncated to the length of string2.
220    When nonzero, this flag causes GNU tr to imitate the behavior
221    of System V tr when translating with string1 longer than string2.
222    The default is to emulate BSD tr.  This flag is ignored in modes where
223    no translation is performed.  Emulating the System V tr
224    in this exceptional case causes the relatively common BSD idiom:
226        tr -cs A-Za-z0-9 '\012'
228    to break (it would convert only zero bytes, rather than all
229    non-alphanumerics, to newlines).
231    WARNING: This switch does not provide general BSD or System V
232    compatibility.  For example, it doesn't disable the interpretation
233    of the POSIX constructs [:alpha:], [=c=], and [c*10], so if by
234    some unfortunate coincidence you use such constructs in scripts
235    expecting to use some other version of tr, the scripts will break.  */
236 static bool truncate_set1 = false;
238 /* An alias for (!delete && non_option_args == 2).
239    It is set in main and used there and in validate().  */
240 static bool translating;
242 static char io_buf[BUFSIZ];
244 static char const *const char_class_name[] =
245 {
246   "alnum", "alpha", "blank", "cntrl", "digit", "graph",
247   "lower", "print", "punct", "space", "upper", "xdigit"
248 };
250 /* Array of boolean values.  A character 'c' is a member of the
251    squeeze set if and only if in_squeeze_set[c] is true.  The squeeze
252    set is defined by the last (possibly, the only) string argument
253    on the command line when the squeeze option is given.  */
254 static bool in_squeeze_set[N_CHARS];
256 /* Array of boolean values.  A character 'c' is a member of the
257    delete set if and only if in_delete_set[c] is true.  The delete
258    set is defined by the first (or only) string argument on the
259    command line when the delete option is given.  */
260 static bool in_delete_set[N_CHARS];
262 /* Array of character values defining the translation (if any) that
263    tr is to perform.  Translation is performed only when there are
264    two specification strings and the delete switch is not given.  */
265 static char xlate[N_CHARS];
267 static struct option const long_options[] =
268 {
269   {"complement", no_argument, nullptr, 'c'},
270   {"delete", no_argument, nullptr, 'd'},
271   {"squeeze-repeats", no_argument, nullptr, 's'},
272   {"truncate-set1", no_argument, nullptr, 't'},
275   {nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0}
276 };
278 void
usage(int status)279 usage (int status)
280 {
281   if (status != EXIT_SUCCESS)
282     emit_try_help ();
283   else
284     {
285       printf (_("\
286 Usage: %s [OPTION]... STRING1 [STRING2]\n\
287 "),
288               program_name);
289       fputs (_("\
290 Translate, squeeze, and/or delete characters from standard input,\n\
291 writing to standard output.  STRING1 and STRING2 specify arrays of\n\
292 characters ARRAY1 and ARRAY2 that control the action.\n\
293 \n\
294   -c, -C, --complement    use the complement of ARRAY1\n\
295   -d, --delete            delete characters in ARRAY1, do not translate\n\
296   -s, --squeeze-repeats   replace each sequence of a repeated character\n\
297                             that is listed in the last specified ARRAY,\n\
298                             with a single occurrence of that character\n\
299   -t, --truncate-set1     first truncate ARRAY1 to length of ARRAY2\n\
300 "), stdout);
301       fputs (HELP_OPTION_DESCRIPTION, stdout);
302       fputs (VERSION_OPTION_DESCRIPTION, stdout);
303       fputs (_("\
304 \n\
305 ARRAYs are specified as strings of characters.  Most represent themselves.\n\
306 Interpreted sequences are:\n\
307 \n\
308   \\NNN            character with octal value NNN (1 to 3 octal digits)\n\
309   \\\\              backslash\n\
310   \\a              audible BEL\n\
311   \\b              backspace\n\
312   \\f              form feed\n\
313   \\n              new line\n\
314   \\r              return\n\
315   \\t              horizontal tab\n\
316 "), stdout);
317      fputs (_("\
318   \\v              vertical tab\n\
319   CHAR1-CHAR2     all characters from CHAR1 to CHAR2 in ascending order\n\
320   [CHAR*]         in ARRAY2, copies of CHAR until length of ARRAY1\n\
321   [CHAR*REPEAT]   REPEAT copies of CHAR, REPEAT octal if starting with 0\n\
322   [:alnum:]       all letters and digits\n\
323   [:alpha:]       all letters\n\
324   [:blank:]       all horizontal whitespace\n\
325   [:cntrl:]       all control characters\n\
326   [:digit:]       all digits\n\
327 "), stdout);
328      fputs (_("\
329   [:graph:]       all printable characters, not including space\n\
330   [:lower:]       all lower case letters\n\
331   [:print:]       all printable characters, including space\n\
332   [:punct:]       all punctuation characters\n\
333   [:space:]       all horizontal or vertical whitespace\n\
334   [:upper:]       all upper case letters\n\
335   [:xdigit:]      all hexadecimal digits\n\
336   [=CHAR=]        all characters which are equivalent to CHAR\n\
337 "), stdout);
338      fputs (_("\
339 \n\
340 Translation occurs if -d is not given and both STRING1 and STRING2 appear.\n\
341 -t is only significant when translating.  ARRAY2 is extended to length of\n\
342 ARRAY1 by repeating its last character as necessary.  Excess characters\n\
343 of ARRAY2 are ignored.  Character classes expand in unspecified order;\n\
344 while translating, [:lower:] and [:upper:] may be used in pairs to\n\
345 specify case conversion.  Squeezing occurs after translation or deletion.\n\
346 "), stdout);
347       emit_ancillary_info (PROGRAM_NAME);
348     }
349   exit (status);
350 }
352 /* Return nonzero if the character C is a member of the
353    equivalence class containing the character EQUIV_CLASS.  */
355 static inline bool
is_equiv_class_member(unsigned char equiv_class,unsigned char c)356 is_equiv_class_member (unsigned char equiv_class, unsigned char c)
357 {
358   return (equiv_class == c);
359 }
361 /* Return true if the character C is a member of the
362    character class CHAR_CLASS.  */
365 static bool
is_char_class_member(enum Char_class char_class,unsigned char c)366 is_char_class_member (enum Char_class char_class, unsigned char c)
367 {
368   int result;
370   switch (char_class)
371     {
372     case CC_ALNUM:
373       result = isalnum (c);
374       break;
375     case CC_ALPHA:
376       result = isalpha (c);
377       break;
378     case CC_BLANK:
379       result = isblank (c);
380       break;
381     case CC_CNTRL:
382       result = iscntrl (c);
383       break;
384     case CC_DIGIT:
385       result = isdigit (c);
386       break;
387     case CC_GRAPH:
388       result = isgraph (c);
389       break;
390     case CC_LOWER:
391       result = islower (c);
392       break;
393     case CC_PRINT:
394       result = isprint (c);
395       break;
396     case CC_PUNCT:
397       result = ispunct (c);
398       break;
399     case CC_SPACE:
400       result = isspace (c);
401       break;
402     case CC_UPPER:
403       result = isupper (c);
404       break;
405     case CC_XDIGIT:
406       result = isxdigit (c);
407       break;
408     default:
409       unreachable ();
410     }
412   return !! result;
413 }
415 static void
es_free(struct E_string * es)416 es_free (struct E_string *es)
417 {
418   free (es->s);
419   free (es->escaped);
420 }
422 /* Perform the first pass over each range-spec argument S, converting all
423    \c and \ddd escapes to their one-byte representations.  If an invalid
424    quote sequence is found print an error message and return false;
425    Otherwise set *ES to the resulting string and return true.
426    The resulting array of characters may contain zero-bytes;
427    however, on input, S is assumed to be null-terminated, and hence
428    cannot contain actual (non-escaped) zero bytes.  */
430 static bool
unquote(char const * s,struct E_string * es)431 unquote (char const *s, struct E_string *es)
432 {
433   size_t len = strlen (s);
435   es->s = xmalloc (len);
436   es->escaped = xcalloc (len, sizeof es->escaped[0]);
438   unsigned int j = 0;
439   for (unsigned int i = 0; s[i]; i++)
440     {
441       unsigned char c;
442       int oct_digit;
444       switch (s[i])
445         {
446         case '\\':
447           es->escaped[j] = true;
448           switch (s[i + 1])
449             {
450             case '\\':
451               c = '\\';
452               break;
453             case 'a':
454               c = '\a';
455               break;
456             case 'b':
457               c = '\b';
458               break;
459             case 'f':
460               c = '\f';
461               break;
462             case 'n':
463               c = '\n';
464               break;
465             case 'r':
466               c = '\r';
467               break;
468             case 't':
469               c = '\t';
470               break;
471             case 'v':
472               c = '\v';
473               break;
474             case '0':
475             case '1':
476             case '2':
477             case '3':
478             case '4':
479             case '5':
480             case '6':
481             case '7':
482               c = s[i + 1] - '0';
483               oct_digit = s[i + 2] - '0';
484               if (0 <= oct_digit && oct_digit <= 7)
485                 {
486                   c = 8 * c + oct_digit;
487                   ++i;
488                   oct_digit = s[i + 2] - '0';
489                   if (0 <= oct_digit && oct_digit <= 7)
490                     {
491                       if (8 * c + oct_digit < N_CHARS)
492                         {
493                           c = 8 * c + oct_digit;
494                           ++i;
495                         }
496                       else
497                         {
498                           /* A 3-digit octal number larger than \377 won't
499                              fit in 8 bits.  So we stop when adding the
500                              next digit would put us over the limit and
501                              give a warning about the ambiguity.  POSIX
502                              isn't clear on this, and we interpret this
503                              lack of clarity as meaning the resulting behavior
504                              is undefined, which means we're allowed to issue
505                              a warning.  */
506                           error (0, 0, _("warning: the ambiguous octal escape\
507  \\%c%c%c is being\n\tinterpreted as the 2-byte sequence \\0%c%c, %c"),
508                                  s[i], s[i + 1], s[i + 2],
509                                  s[i], s[i + 1], s[i + 2]);
510                         }
511                     }
512                 }
513               break;
514             case '\0':
515               error (0, 0, _("warning: an unescaped backslash "
516                              "at end of string is not portable"));
517               /* POSIX is not clear about this.  */
518               es->escaped[j] = false;
519               i--;
520               c = '\\';
521               break;
522             default:
523               c = s[i + 1];
524               break;
525             }
526           ++i;
527           es->s[j++] = c;
528           break;
529         default:
530           es->s[j++] = s[i];
531           break;
532         }
533     }
534   es->len = j;
535   return true;
536 }
538 /* If CLASS_STR is a valid character class string, return its index
539    in the global char_class_name array.  Otherwise, return CC_NO_CLASS.  */
542 static enum Char_class
look_up_char_class(char const * class_str,size_t len)543 look_up_char_class (char const *class_str, size_t len)
544 {
545   enum Char_class i;
547   for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_CARDINALITY (char_class_name); i++)
548     if (STREQ_LEN (class_str, char_class_name[i], len)
549         && strlen (char_class_name[i]) == len)
550       return i;
551   return CC_NO_CLASS;
552 }
554 /* Return a newly allocated string with a printable version of C.
555    This function is used solely for formatting error messages.  */
557 static char *
make_printable_char(unsigned char c)558 make_printable_char (unsigned char c)
559 {
560   char *buf = xmalloc (5);
562   if (isprint (c))
563     {
564       buf[0] = c;
565       buf[1] = '\0';
566     }
567   else
568     {
569       sprintf (buf, "\\%03o", c);
570     }
571   return buf;
572 }
574 /* Return a newly allocated copy of S which is suitable for printing.
575    LEN is the number of characters in S.  Most non-printing
576    (isprint) characters are represented by a backslash followed by
577    3 octal digits.  However, the characters represented by \c escapes
578    where c is one of [abfnrtv] are represented by their 2-character \c
579    sequences.  This function is used solely for printing error messages.  */
581 static char *
make_printable_str(char const * s,size_t len)582 make_printable_str (char const *s, size_t len)
583 {
584   /* Worst case is that every character expands to a backslash
585      followed by a 3-character octal escape sequence.  */
586   char *printable_buf = xnmalloc (len + 1, 4);
587   char *p = printable_buf;
589   for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++)
590     {
591       char buf[5];
592       char const *tmp = nullptr;
593       unsigned char c = s[i];
595       switch (c)
596         {
597         case '\\':
598           tmp = "\\";
599           break;
600         case '\a':
601           tmp = "\\a";
602           break;
603         case '\b':
604           tmp = "\\b";
605           break;
606         case '\f':
607           tmp = "\\f";
608           break;
609         case '\n':
610           tmp = "\\n";
611           break;
612         case '\r':
613           tmp = "\\r";
614           break;
615         case '\t':
616           tmp = "\\t";
617           break;
618         case '\v':
619           tmp = "\\v";
620           break;
621         default:
622           if (isprint (c))
623             {
624               buf[0] = c;
625               buf[1] = '\0';
626             }
627           else
628             sprintf (buf, "\\%03o", c);
629           tmp = buf;
630           break;
631         }
632       p = stpcpy (p, tmp);
633     }
634   return printable_buf;
635 }
637 /* Append a newly allocated structure representing a
638    character C to the specification list LIST.  */
640 static void
append_normal_char(struct Spec_list * list,unsigned char c)641 append_normal_char (struct Spec_list *list, unsigned char c)
642 {
643   struct List_element *new = xmalloc (sizeof *new);
644   new->next = nullptr;
645   new->type = RE_NORMAL_CHAR;
646   new->u.normal_char = c;
647   list->tail->next = new;
648   list->tail = new;
649 }
651 /* Append a newly allocated structure representing the range
652    of characters from FIRST to LAST to the specification list LIST.
653    Return false if LAST precedes FIRST in the collating sequence,
654    true otherwise.  This means that '[c-c]' is acceptable.  */
656 static bool
append_range(struct Spec_list * list,unsigned char first,unsigned char last)657 append_range (struct Spec_list *list, unsigned char first, unsigned char last)
658 {
659   if (last < first)
660     {
661       char *tmp1 = make_printable_char (first);
662       char *tmp2 = make_printable_char (last);
664       error (0, 0,
665        _("range-endpoints of '%s-%s' are in reverse collating sequence order"),
666              tmp1, tmp2);
667       free (tmp1);
668       free (tmp2);
669       return false;
670     }
671   struct List_element *new = xmalloc (sizeof *new);
672   new->next = nullptr;
673   new->type = RE_RANGE;
674   new->u.range.first_char = first;
675   new->u.range.last_char = last;
676   list->tail->next = new;
677   list->tail = new;
678   return true;
679 }
681 /* If CHAR_CLASS_STR is a valid character class string, append a
682    newly allocated structure representing that character class to the end
683    of the specification list LIST and return true.  If CHAR_CLASS_STR is not
684    a valid string return false.  */
686 static bool
append_char_class(struct Spec_list * list,char const * char_class_str,size_t len)687 append_char_class (struct Spec_list *list,
688                    char const *char_class_str, size_t len)
689 {
690   enum Char_class char_class = look_up_char_class (char_class_str, len);
691   if (char_class == CC_NO_CLASS)
692     return false;
693   struct List_element *new = xmalloc (sizeof *new);
694   new->next = nullptr;
695   new->type = RE_CHAR_CLASS;
696   new->u.char_class = char_class;
697   list->tail->next = new;
698   list->tail = new;
699   return true;
700 }
702 /* Append a newly allocated structure representing a [c*n]
703    repeated character construct to the specification list LIST.
704    THE_CHAR is the single character to be repeated, and REPEAT_COUNT
705    is a non-negative repeat count.  */
707 static void
append_repeated_char(struct Spec_list * list,unsigned char the_char,count repeat_count)708 append_repeated_char (struct Spec_list *list, unsigned char the_char,
709                       count repeat_count)
710 {
711   struct List_element *new = xmalloc (sizeof *new);
712   new->next = nullptr;
713   new->type = RE_REPEATED_CHAR;
714   new->u.repeated_char.the_repeated_char = the_char;
715   new->u.repeated_char.repeat_count = repeat_count;
716   list->tail->next = new;
717   list->tail = new;
718 }
720 /* Given a string, EQUIV_CLASS_STR, from a [=str=] context and
721    the length of that string, LEN, if LEN is exactly one, append
722    a newly allocated structure representing the specified
723    equivalence class to the specification list, LIST and return true.
724    If LEN is not 1, return false.  */
726 static bool
append_equiv_class(struct Spec_list * list,char const * equiv_class_str,size_t len)727 append_equiv_class (struct Spec_list *list,
728                     char const *equiv_class_str, size_t len)
729 {
730   if (len != 1)
731     return false;
733   struct List_element *new = xmalloc (sizeof *new);
734   new->next = nullptr;
735   new->type = RE_EQUIV_CLASS;
736   new->u.equiv_code = *equiv_class_str;
737   list->tail->next = new;
738   list->tail = new;
739   return true;
740 }
742 /* Search forward starting at START_IDX for the 2-char sequence
743    (PRE_BRACKET_CHAR,']') in the string P of length P_LEN.  If such
744    a sequence is found, set *RESULT_IDX to the index of the first
745    character and return true.  Otherwise return false.  P may contain
746    zero bytes.  */
748 static bool
find_closing_delim(const struct E_string * es,size_t start_idx,char pre_bracket_char,size_t * result_idx)749 find_closing_delim (const struct E_string *es, size_t start_idx,
750                     char pre_bracket_char, size_t *result_idx)
751 {
752   for (size_t i = start_idx; i < es->len - 1; i++)
753     if (es->s[i] == pre_bracket_char && es->s[i + 1] == ']'
754         && !es->escaped[i] && !es->escaped[i + 1])
755       {
756         *result_idx = i;
757         return true;
758       }
759   return false;
760 }
762 /* Parse the bracketed repeat-char syntax.  If the P_LEN characters
763    beginning with P[ START_IDX ] comprise a valid [c*n] construct,
765    and return zero. If the second character following
766    the opening bracket is not '*' or if no closing bracket can be
767    found, return -1.  If a closing bracket is found and the
768    second char is '*', but the string between the '*' and ']' isn't
769    empty, an octal number, or a decimal number, print an error message
770    and return -2.  */
772 static int
find_bracketed_repeat(const struct E_string * es,size_t start_idx,unsigned char * char_to_repeat,count * repeat_count,size_t * closing_bracket_idx)773 find_bracketed_repeat (const struct E_string *es, size_t start_idx,
774                        unsigned char *char_to_repeat, count *repeat_count,
775                        size_t *closing_bracket_idx)
776 {
777   affirm (start_idx + 1 < es->len);
778   if (!es_match (es, start_idx + 1, '*'))
779     return -1;
781   for (size_t i = start_idx + 2; i < es->len && !es->escaped[i]; i++)
782     {
783       if (es->s[i] == ']')
784         {
785           size_t digit_str_len = i - start_idx - 2;
787           *char_to_repeat = es->s[start_idx];
788           if (digit_str_len == 0)
789             {
790               /* We've matched [c*] -- no explicit repeat count.  */
791               *repeat_count = 0;
792             }
793           else
794             {
795               /* Here, we have found [c*s] where s should be a string
796                  of octal (if it starts with '0') or decimal digits.  */
797               char const *digit_str = &es->s[start_idx + 2];
798               char *d_end;
799               if ((xstrtoumax (digit_str, &d_end, *digit_str == '0' ? 8 : 10,
800                                repeat_count, nullptr)
801                    != LONGINT_OK)
802                   || REPEAT_COUNT_MAXIMUM < *repeat_count
803                   || digit_str + digit_str_len != d_end)
804                 {
805                   char *tmp = make_printable_str (digit_str, digit_str_len);
806                   error (0, 0,
807                          _("invalid repeat count %s in [c*n] construct"),
808                          quote (tmp));
809                   free (tmp);
810                   return -2;
811                 }
812             }
813           *closing_bracket_idx = i;
814           return 0;
815         }
816     }
817   return -1;			/* No bracket found.  */
818 }
820 /* Return true if the string at ES->s[IDX] matches the regular
821    expression '\*[0-9]*]', false otherwise.  The string does not
822    match if any of its characters are escaped.  */
825 static bool
star_digits_closebracket(const struct E_string * es,size_t idx)826 star_digits_closebracket (const struct E_string *es, size_t idx)
827 {
828   if (!es_match (es, idx, '*'))
829     return false;
831   for (size_t i = idx + 1; i < es->len; i++)
832     if (!ISDIGIT (to_uchar (es->s[i])) || es->escaped[i])
833       return es_match (es, i, ']');
834   return false;
835 }
837 /* Convert string UNESCAPED_STRING (which has been preprocessed to
838    convert backslash-escape sequences) of length LEN characters into
839    a linked list of the following 5 types of constructs:
840       - [:str:] Character class where 'str' is one of the 12 valid strings.
841       - [=c=] Equivalence class where 'c' is any single character.
842       - [c*n] Repeat the single character 'c' 'n' times. n may be omitted.
843           However, if 'n' is present, it must be a non-negative octal or
844           decimal integer.
845       - r-s Range of characters from 'r' to 's'.  The second endpoint must
846           not precede the first in the current collating sequence.
847       - c Any other character is interpreted as itself.  */
849 static bool
build_spec_list(const struct E_string * es,struct Spec_list * result)850 build_spec_list (const struct E_string *es, struct Spec_list *result)
851 {
852   char const *p = es->s;
854   /* The main for-loop below recognizes the 4 multi-character constructs.
855      A character that matches (in its context) none of the multi-character
856      constructs is classified as 'normal'.  Since all multi-character
857      constructs have at least 3 characters, any strings of length 2 or
858      less are composed solely of normal characters.  Hence, the index of
859      the outer for-loop runs only as far as LEN-2.  */
860   size_t i;
861   for (i = 0; i + 2 < es->len; /* empty */)
862     {
863       if (es_match (es, i, '['))
864         {
865           bool matched_multi_char_construct;
866           size_t closing_bracket_idx;
867           unsigned char char_to_repeat;
868           count repeat_count;
869           int err;
871           matched_multi_char_construct = true;
872           if (es_match (es, i + 1, ':') || es_match (es, i + 1, '='))
873             {
874               size_t closing_delim_idx;
876               if (find_closing_delim (es, i + 2, p[i + 1], &closing_delim_idx))
877                 {
878                   size_t opnd_str_len = closing_delim_idx - 1 - (i + 2) + 1;
879                   char const *opnd_str = p + i + 2;
881                   if (opnd_str_len == 0)
882                     {
883                       if (p[i + 1] == ':')
884                         error (0, 0, _("missing character class name '[::]'"));
885                       else
886                         error (0, 0,
887                                _("missing equivalence class character '[==]'"));
888                       return false;
889                     }
891                   if (p[i + 1] == ':')
892                     {
893                       /* FIXME: big comment.  */
894                       if (!append_char_class (result, opnd_str, opnd_str_len))
895                         {
896                           if (star_digits_closebracket (es, i + 2))
897                             goto try_bracketed_repeat;
898                           else
899                             {
900                               char *tmp = make_printable_str (opnd_str,
901                                                               opnd_str_len);
902                               error (0, 0, _("invalid character class %s"),
903                                      quote (tmp));
904                               free (tmp);
905                               return false;
906                             }
907                         }
908                     }
909                   else
910                     {
911                       /* FIXME: big comment.  */
912                       if (!append_equiv_class (result, opnd_str, opnd_str_len))
913                         {
914                           if (star_digits_closebracket (es, i + 2))
915                             goto try_bracketed_repeat;
916                           else
917                             {
918                               char *tmp = make_printable_str (opnd_str,
919                                                               opnd_str_len);
920                               error (0, 0,
921                _("%s: equivalence class operand must be a single character"),
922                                      tmp);
923                               free (tmp);
924                               return false;
925                             }
926                         }
927                     }
929                   i = closing_delim_idx + 2;
930                   continue;
931                 }
932               /* Else fall through.  This could be [:*] or [=*].  */
933             }
935         try_bracketed_repeat:
937           /* Determine whether this is a bracketed repeat range
938              matching the RE \[.\*(dec_or_oct_number)?].  */
939           err = find_bracketed_repeat (es, i + 1, &char_to_repeat,
940                                        &repeat_count,
941                                        &closing_bracket_idx);
942           if (err == 0)
943             {
944               append_repeated_char (result, char_to_repeat, repeat_count);
945               i = closing_bracket_idx + 1;
946             }
947           else if (err == -1)
948             {
949               matched_multi_char_construct = false;
950             }
951           else
952             {
953               /* Found a string that looked like [c*n] but the
954                  numeric part was invalid.  */
955               return false;
956             }
958           if (matched_multi_char_construct)
959             continue;
961           /* We reach this point if P does not match [:str:], [=c=],
962              [c*n], or [c*].  Now, see if P looks like a range '[-c'
963              (from '[' to 'c').  */
964         }
966       /* Look ahead one char for ranges like a-z.  */
967       if (es_match (es, i + 1, '-'))
968         {
969           if (!append_range (result, p[i], p[i + 2]))
970             return false;
971           i += 3;
972         }
973       else
974         {
975           append_normal_char (result, p[i]);
976           ++i;
977         }
978     }
980   /* Now handle the (2 or fewer) remaining characters p[i]..p[es->len - 1].  */
981   for (; i < es->len; i++)
982     append_normal_char (result, p[i]);
984   return true;
985 }
987 /* Advance past the current construct.
988    S->tail must be non-null.  */
989 static void
skip_construct(struct Spec_list * s)990 skip_construct (struct Spec_list *s)
991 {
992   s->tail = s->tail->next;
993   s->state = NEW_ELEMENT;
994 }
996 /* Given a Spec_list S (with its saved state implicit in the values
997    of its members 'tail' and 'state'), return the next single character
998    in the expansion of S's constructs.  If the last character of S was
999    returned on the previous call or if S was empty, this function
1000    returns -1.  For example, successive calls to get_next where S
1001    represents the spec-string 'a-d[y*3]' will return the sequence
1002    of values a, b, c, d, y, y, y, -1.  Finally, if the construct from
1003    which the returned character comes is [:upper:] or [:lower:], the
1004    parameter CLASS is given a value to indicate which it was.  Otherwise
1005    CLASS is set to UL_NONE.  This value is used only when constructing
1006    the translation table to verify that any occurrences of upper and
1007    lower class constructs in the spec-strings appear in the same relative
1008    positions.  */
1010 static int
get_next(struct Spec_list * s,enum Upper_Lower_class * class)1011 get_next (struct Spec_list *s, enum Upper_Lower_class *class)
1012 {
1013   struct List_element *p;
1014   int return_val;
1015   int i;
1017   if (class)
1018     *class = UL_NONE;
1020   if (s->state == BEGIN_STATE)
1021     {
1022       s->tail = s->head->next;
1023       s->state = NEW_ELEMENT;
1024     }
1026   p = s->tail;
1027   if (p == nullptr)
1028     return -1;
1030   switch (p->type)
1031     {
1032     case RE_NORMAL_CHAR:
1033       return_val = p->u.normal_char;
1034       s->state = NEW_ELEMENT;
1035       s->tail = p->next;
1036       break;
1038     case RE_RANGE:
1039       if (s->state == NEW_ELEMENT)
1040         s->state = p->u.range.first_char;
1041       else
1042         ++(s->state);
1043       return_val = s->state;
1044       if (s->state == p->u.range.last_char)
1045         {
1046           s->tail = p->next;
1047           s->state = NEW_ELEMENT;
1048         }
1049       break;
1051     case RE_CHAR_CLASS:
1052       if (class)
1053         {
1054           switch (p->u.char_class)
1055             {
1056             case CC_LOWER:
1057               *class = UL_LOWER;
1058               break;
1059             case CC_UPPER:
1060               *class = UL_UPPER;
1061               break;
1062             default:
1063               break;
1064             }
1065         }
1067       if (s->state == NEW_ELEMENT)
1068         {
1069           for (i = 0; i < N_CHARS; i++)
1070             if (is_char_class_member (p->u.char_class, i))
1071               break;
1072           affirm (i < N_CHARS);
1073           s->state = i;
1074         }
1075       assure (is_char_class_member (p->u.char_class, s->state));
1076       return_val = s->state;
1077       for (i = s->state + 1; i < N_CHARS; i++)
1078         if (is_char_class_member (p->u.char_class, i))
1079           break;
1080       if (i < N_CHARS)
1081         s->state = i;
1082       else
1083         {
1084           s->tail = p->next;
1085           s->state = NEW_ELEMENT;
1086         }
1087       break;
1089     case RE_EQUIV_CLASS:
1090       /* FIXME: this assumes that each character is alone in its own
1091          equivalence class (which appears to be correct for my
1092          LC_COLLATE.  But I don't know of any function that allows
1093          one to determine a character's equivalence class.  */
1095       return_val = p->u.equiv_code;
1096       s->state = NEW_ELEMENT;
1097       s->tail = p->next;
1098       break;
1100     case RE_REPEATED_CHAR:
1101       /* Here, a repeat count of n == 0 means don't repeat at all.  */
1102       if (p->u.repeated_char.repeat_count == 0)
1103         {
1104           s->tail = p->next;
1105           s->state = NEW_ELEMENT;
1106           return_val = get_next (s, class);
1107         }
1108       else
1109         {
1110           if (s->state == NEW_ELEMENT)
1111             {
1112               s->state = 0;
1113             }
1114           ++(s->state);
1115           return_val = p->u.repeated_char.the_repeated_char;
1116           if (s->state == p->u.repeated_char.repeat_count)
1117             {
1118               s->tail = p->next;
1119               s->state = NEW_ELEMENT;
1120             }
1121         }
1122       break;
1124     default:
1125       unreachable ();
1126     }
1128   return return_val;
1129 }
1131 /* This is a minor kludge.  This function is called from
1132    get_spec_stats to determine the cardinality of a set derived
1133    from a complemented string.  It's a kludge in that some of the
1134    same operations are (duplicated) performed in set_initialize.  */
1136 static int
card_of_complement(struct Spec_list * s)1137 card_of_complement (struct Spec_list *s)
1138 {
1139   int c;
1140   int cardinality = N_CHARS;
1141   bool in_set[N_CHARS] = {0};
1143   s->state = BEGIN_STATE;
1144   while ((c = get_next (s, nullptr)) != -1)
1145     {
1146       cardinality -= (!in_set[c]);
1147       in_set[c] = true;
1148     }
1149   return cardinality;
1150 }
1152 /* Discard the lengths associated with a case conversion,
1153    as using the actual number of upper or lower case characters
1154    is problematic when they don't match in some locales.
1155    Also ensure the case conversion classes in string2 are
1156    aligned correctly with those in string1.
1157    Note POSIX says the behavior of 'tr "[:upper:]" "[:upper:]"'
1158    is undefined.  Therefore we allow it (unlike Solaris)
1159    and treat it as a no-op.  */
1161 static void
validate_case_classes(struct Spec_list * s1,struct Spec_list * s2)1162 validate_case_classes (struct Spec_list *s1, struct Spec_list *s2)
1163 {
1164   size_t n_upper = 0;
1165   size_t n_lower = 0;
1166   int c1 = 0;
1167   int c2 = 0;
1168   MAYBE_UNUSED count old_s1_len = s1->length, old_s2_len = s2->length;
1169   struct List_element *s1_tail = s1->tail;
1170   struct List_element *s2_tail = s2->tail;
1171   bool s1_new_element = true;
1172   bool s2_new_element = true;
1174   if (complement || !s2->has_char_class)
1175     return;
1177   for (int i = 0; i < N_CHARS; i++)
1178     {
1179       if (isupper (i))
1180         n_upper++;
1181       if (islower (i))
1182         n_lower++;
1183     }
1185   s1->state = BEGIN_STATE;
1186   s2->state = BEGIN_STATE;
1188   while (c1 != -1 && c2 != -1)
1189     {
1190       enum Upper_Lower_class class_s1, class_s2;
1192       c1 = get_next (s1, &class_s1);
1193       c2 = get_next (s2, &class_s2);
1195       /* If c2 transitions to a new case class, then
1196          c1 must also transition at the same time.  */
1197       if (s2_new_element && class_s2 != UL_NONE
1198           && !(s1_new_element && class_s1 != UL_NONE))
1199         error (EXIT_FAILURE, 0,
1200                _("misaligned [:upper:] and/or [:lower:] construct"));
1202       /* If case converting, quickly skip over the elements.  */
1203       if (class_s2 != UL_NONE)
1204         {
1205           skip_construct (s1);
1206           skip_construct (s2);
1207           /* Discount insignificant/problematic lengths.  */
1208           s1->length -= (class_s1 == UL_UPPER ? n_upper : n_lower) - 1;
1209           s2->length -= (class_s2 == UL_UPPER ? n_upper : n_lower) - 1;
1210         }
1212       s1_new_element = s1->state == NEW_ELEMENT; /* Next element is new.  */
1213       s2_new_element = s2->state == NEW_ELEMENT; /* Next element is new.  */
1214     }
1216   affirm (old_s1_len >= s1->length && old_s2_len >= s2->length);
1218   s1->tail = s1_tail;
1219   s2->tail = s2_tail;
1220 }
1222 /* Gather statistics about the spec-list S in preparation for the tests
1223    in validate that determine the consistency of the specs.  This function
1224    is called at most twice; once for string1, and again for any string2.
1225    LEN_S1 < 0 indicates that this is the first call and that S represents
1226    string1.  When LEN_S1 >= 0, it is the length of the expansion of the
1227    constructs in string1, and we can use its value to resolve any
1228    indefinite repeat construct in S (which represents string2).  Hence,
1229    this function has the side-effect that it converts a valid [c*]
1230    construct in string2 to [c*n] where n is large enough (or 0) to give
1231    string2 the same length as string1.  For example, with the command
1232    tr a-z 'A[\n*]Z' on the second call to get_spec_stats, LEN_S1 would
1233    be 26 and S (representing string2) would be converted to 'A[\n*24]Z'.  */
1235 static void
get_spec_stats(struct Spec_list * s)1236 get_spec_stats (struct Spec_list *s)
1237 {
1238   struct List_element *p;
1239   count length = 0;
1241   s->n_indefinite_repeats = 0;
1242   s->has_equiv_class = false;
1243   s->has_restricted_char_class = false;
1244   s->has_char_class = false;
1245   for (p = s->head->next; p; p = p->next)
1246     {
1247       count len = 0;
1248       count new_length;
1250       switch (p->type)
1251         {
1252         case RE_NORMAL_CHAR:
1253           len = 1;
1254           break;
1256         case RE_RANGE:
1257           affirm (p->u.range.last_char >= p->u.range.first_char);
1258           len = p->u.range.last_char - p->u.range.first_char + 1;
1259           break;
1261         case RE_CHAR_CLASS:
1262           s->has_char_class = true;
1263           for (int i = 0; i < N_CHARS; i++)
1264             if (is_char_class_member (p->u.char_class, i))
1265               ++len;
1266           switch (p->u.char_class)
1267             {
1268             case CC_UPPER:
1269             case CC_LOWER:
1270               break;
1271             default:
1272               s->has_restricted_char_class = true;
1273               break;
1274             }
1275           break;
1277         case RE_EQUIV_CLASS:
1278           for (int i = 0; i < N_CHARS; i++)
1279             if (is_equiv_class_member (p->u.equiv_code, i))
1280               ++len;
1281           s->has_equiv_class = true;
1282           break;
1284         case RE_REPEATED_CHAR:
1285           if (p->u.repeated_char.repeat_count > 0)
1286             len = p->u.repeated_char.repeat_count;
1287           else
1288             {
1289               s->indefinite_repeat_element = p;
1290               ++(s->n_indefinite_repeats);
1291             }
1292           break;
1294         default:
1295           unreachable ();
1296         }
1298       /* Check for arithmetic overflow in computing length.  Also, reject
1299          any length greater than the maximum repeat count, in case the
1300          length is later used to compute the repeat count for an
1301          indefinite element.  */
1302       new_length = length + len;
1303       if (! (length <= new_length && new_length <= REPEAT_COUNT_MAXIMUM))
1304         error (EXIT_FAILURE, 0, _("too many characters in set"));
1305       length = new_length;
1306     }
1308   s->length = length;
1309 }
1311 static void
get_s1_spec_stats(struct Spec_list * s1)1312 get_s1_spec_stats (struct Spec_list *s1)
1313 {
1314   get_spec_stats (s1);
1315   if (complement)
1316     s1->length = card_of_complement (s1);
1317 }
1319 static void
get_s2_spec_stats(struct Spec_list * s2,count len_s1)1320 get_s2_spec_stats (struct Spec_list *s2, count len_s1)
1321 {
1322   get_spec_stats (s2);
1323   if (len_s1 >= s2->length && s2->n_indefinite_repeats == 1)
1324     {
1325       s2->indefinite_repeat_element->u.repeated_char.repeat_count =
1326         len_s1 - s2->length;
1327       s2->length = len_s1;
1328     }
1329 }
1331 static void
spec_init(struct Spec_list * spec_list)1332 spec_init (struct Spec_list *spec_list)
1333 {
1334   struct List_element *new = xmalloc (sizeof *new);
1335   spec_list->head = spec_list->tail = new;
1336   spec_list->head->next = nullptr;
1337 }
1339 /* This function makes two passes over the argument string S.  The first
1340    one converts all \c and \ddd escapes to their one-byte representations.
1341    The second constructs a linked specification list, SPEC_LIST, of the
1342    characters and constructs that comprise the argument string.  If either
1343    of these passes detects an error, this function returns false.  */
1345 static bool
parse_str(char const * s,struct Spec_list * spec_list)1346 parse_str (char const *s, struct Spec_list *spec_list)
1347 {
1348   struct E_string es;
1349   bool ok = unquote (s, &es) && build_spec_list (&es, spec_list);
1350   es_free (&es);
1351   return ok;
1352 }
1354 /* Given two specification lists, S1 and S2, and assuming that
1355    S1->length > S2->length, append a single [c*n] element to S2 where c
1356    is the last character in the expansion of S2 and n is the difference
1357    between the two lengths.
1358    Upon successful completion, S2->length is set to S1->length.  The only
1359    way this function can fail to make S2 as long as S1 is when S2 has
1360    zero-length, since in that case, there is no last character to repeat.
1361    So S2->length is required to be at least 1.  */
1363 static void
string2_extend(const struct Spec_list * s1,struct Spec_list * s2)1364 string2_extend (const struct Spec_list *s1, struct Spec_list *s2)
1365 {
1366   struct List_element *p;
1367   unsigned char char_to_repeat;
1369   affirm (translating);
1370   affirm (s1->length > s2->length);
1371   affirm (s2->length > 0);
1373   p = s2->tail;
1374   switch (p->type)
1375     {
1376     case RE_NORMAL_CHAR:
1377       char_to_repeat = p->u.normal_char;
1378       break;
1379     case RE_RANGE:
1380       char_to_repeat = p->u.range.last_char;
1381       break;
1382     case RE_CHAR_CLASS:
1383       /* Note BSD allows extending of classes in string2.  For example:
1384            tr '[:upper:]0-9' '[:lower:]'
1385          That's not portable however, contradicts POSIX and is dependent
1386          on your collating sequence.  */
1387       error (EXIT_FAILURE, 0,
1388              _("when translating with string1 longer than string2,\n"
1389                "the latter string must not end with a character class"));
1391     case RE_REPEATED_CHAR:
1392       char_to_repeat = p->u.repeated_char.the_repeated_char;
1393       break;
1395     case RE_EQUIV_CLASS:
1396       /* This shouldn't happen, because validate exits with an error
1397          if it finds an equiv class in string2 when translating.  */
1398       affirm (false);
1400     default:
1401       unreachable ();
1402     }
1404   append_repeated_char (s2, char_to_repeat, s1->length - s2->length);
1405   s2->length = s1->length;
1406 }
1408 /* Return true if S is a non-empty list in which exactly one
1409    character (but potentially, many instances of it) appears.
1410    E.g., [X*] or xxxxxxxx.  */
1412 static bool
homogeneous_spec_list(struct Spec_list * s)1413 homogeneous_spec_list (struct Spec_list *s)
1414 {
1415   int b, c;
1417   s->state = BEGIN_STATE;
1419   if ((b = get_next (s, nullptr)) == -1)
1420     return false;
1422   while ((c = get_next (s, nullptr)) != -1)
1423     if (c != b)
1424       return false;
1426   return true;
1427 }
1429 /* Die with an error message if S1 and S2 describe strings that
1430    are not valid with the given command line switches.
1431    A side effect of this function is that if a valid [c*] or
1432    [c*0] construct appears in string2, it is converted to [c*n]
1433    with a value for n that makes s2->length == s1->length.  By
1434    the same token, if the --truncate-set1 option is not
1435    given, S2 may be extended.  */
1437 static void
validate(struct Spec_list * s1,struct Spec_list * s2)1438 validate (struct Spec_list *s1, struct Spec_list *s2)
1439 {
1440   get_s1_spec_stats (s1);
1441   if (s1->n_indefinite_repeats > 0)
1442     error (EXIT_FAILURE, 0,
1443            _("the [c*] repeat construct may not appear in string1"));
1445   if (s2)
1446     {
1447       get_s2_spec_stats (s2, s1->length);
1449       if (s2->n_indefinite_repeats > 1)
1450         error (EXIT_FAILURE, 0,
1451                _("only one [c*] repeat construct may appear in string2"));
1453       if (translating)
1454         {
1455           if (s2->has_equiv_class)
1456             error (EXIT_FAILURE, 0,
1457                    _("[=c=] expressions may not appear in string2"
1458                      " when translating"));
1460           if (s2->has_restricted_char_class)
1461             error (EXIT_FAILURE, 0,
1462                    _("when translating, the only character classes"
1463                      " that may appear in\n"
1464                      "string2 are 'upper' and 'lower'"));
1466           validate_case_classes (s1, s2);
1468           if (s1->length > s2->length)
1469             {
1470               if (!truncate_set1)
1471                 {
1472                   /* string2 must be non-empty unless --truncate-set1 is
1473                      given or string1 is empty.  */
1475                   if (s2->length == 0)
1476                     error (EXIT_FAILURE, 0,
1477                            _("when not truncating set1,"
1478                              " string2 must be non-empty"));
1479                   string2_extend (s1, s2);
1480                 }
1481             }
1483           if (complement && s1->has_char_class
1484               && ! (s2->length == s1->length && homogeneous_spec_list (s2)))
1485             error (EXIT_FAILURE, 0,
1486                    _("when translating with complemented character classes,\n"
1487                      "string2 must map all characters in the domain to one"));
1488         }
1489       else
1490         /* Not translating.  */
1491         {
1492           if (s2->n_indefinite_repeats > 0)
1493             error (EXIT_FAILURE, 0,
1494                    _("the [c*] construct may appear in string2"
1495                      " only when translating"));
1496         }
1497     }
1498 }
1500 /* Read buffers of SIZE bytes via the function READER (if READER is
1501    null, read from stdin) until EOF.  When non-null, READER is either
1502    read_and_delete or read_and_xlate.  After each buffer is read, it is
1503    processed and written to stdout.  The buffers are processed so that
1504    multiple consecutive occurrences of the same character in the input
1505    stream are replaced by a single occurrence of that character if the
1506    character is in the squeeze set.  */
1508 static void
squeeze_filter(char * buf,size_t size,size_t (* reader)(char *,size_t))1509 squeeze_filter (char *buf, size_t size, size_t (*reader) (char *, size_t))
1510 {
1511   /* A value distinct from any character that may have been stored in a
1512      buffer as the result of a block-read in the function squeeze_filter.  */
1513   const int NOT_A_CHAR = INT_MAX;
1515   int char_to_squeeze = NOT_A_CHAR;
1516   size_t i = 0;
1517   size_t nr = 0;
1519   while (true)
1520     {
1521       if (i >= nr)
1522         {
1523           nr = reader (buf, size);
1524           if (nr == 0)
1525             break;
1526           i = 0;
1527         }
1529       size_t begin = i;
1531       if (char_to_squeeze == NOT_A_CHAR)
1532         {
1533           size_t out_len;
1534           /* Here, by being a little tricky, we can get a significant
1535              performance increase in most cases when the input is
1536              reasonably large.  Since tr will modify the input only
1537              if two consecutive (and identical) input characters are
1538              in the squeeze set, we can step by two through the data
1539              when searching for a character in the squeeze set.  This
1540              means there may be a little more work in a few cases and
1541              perhaps twice as much work in the worst cases where most
1542              of the input is removed by squeezing repeats.  But most
1543              uses of this functionality seem to remove less than 20-30%
1544              of the input.  */
1545           for (; i < nr && !in_squeeze_set[to_uchar (buf[i])]; i += 2)
1546             continue;
1548           /* There is a special case when i == nr and we've just
1549              skipped a character (the last one in buf) that is in
1550              the squeeze set.  */
1551           if (i == nr && in_squeeze_set[to_uchar (buf[i - 1])])
1552             --i;
1554           if (i >= nr)
1555             out_len = nr - begin;
1556           else
1557             {
1558               char_to_squeeze = buf[i];
1559               /* We're about to output buf[begin..i].  */
1560               out_len = i - begin + 1;
1562               /* But since we stepped by 2 in the loop above,
1563                  out_len may be one too large.  */
1564               if (i > 0 && buf[i - 1] == char_to_squeeze)
1565                 --out_len;
1567               /* Advance i to the index of first character to be
1568                  considered when looking for a char different from
1569                  char_to_squeeze.  */
1570               ++i;
1571             }
1572           if (out_len > 0
1573               && fwrite (&buf[begin], 1, out_len, stdout) != out_len)
1574             write_error ();
1575         }
1577       if (char_to_squeeze != NOT_A_CHAR)
1578         {
1579           /* Advance i to index of first char != char_to_squeeze
1580              (or to nr if all the rest of the characters in this
1581              buffer are the same as char_to_squeeze).  */
1582           for (; i < nr && buf[i] == char_to_squeeze; i++)
1583             continue;
1584           if (i < nr)
1585             char_to_squeeze = NOT_A_CHAR;
1586           /* If (i >= nr) we've squeezed the last character in this buffer.
1587              So now we have to read a new buffer and continue comparing
1588              characters against char_to_squeeze.  */
1589         }
1590     }
1591 }
1593 static size_t
plain_read(char * buf,size_t size)1594 plain_read (char *buf, size_t size)
1595 {
1596   size_t nr = safe_read (STDIN_FILENO, buf, size);
1597   if (nr == SAFE_READ_ERROR)
1598     error (EXIT_FAILURE, errno, _("read error"));
1599   return nr;
1600 }
1602 /* Read buffers of SIZE bytes from stdin until one is found that
1603    contains at least one character not in the delete set.  Store
1604    in the array BUF, all characters from that buffer that are not
1605    in the delete set, and return the number of characters saved
1606    or 0 upon EOF.  */
1608 static size_t
read_and_delete(char * buf,size_t size)1609 read_and_delete (char *buf, size_t size)
1610 {
1611   size_t n_saved;
1613   /* This enclosing do-while loop is to make sure that
1614      we don't return zero (indicating EOF) when we've
1615      just deleted all the characters in a buffer.  */
1616   do
1617     {
1618       size_t nr = plain_read (buf, size);
1620       if (nr == 0)
1621         return 0;
1623       /* This first loop may be a waste of code, but gives much
1624          better performance when no characters are deleted in
1625          the beginning of a buffer.  It just avoids the copying
1626          of buf[i] into buf[n_saved] when it would be a NOP.  */
1628       size_t i;
1629       for (i = 0; i < nr && !in_delete_set[to_uchar (buf[i])]; i++)
1630         continue;
1631       n_saved = i;
1633       for (++i; i < nr; i++)
1634         if (!in_delete_set[to_uchar (buf[i])])
1635           buf[n_saved++] = buf[i];
1636     }
1637   while (n_saved == 0);
1639   return n_saved;
1640 }
1642 /* Read at most SIZE bytes from stdin into the array BUF.  Then
1643    perform the in-place and one-to-one mapping specified by the global
1644    array 'xlate'.  Return the number of characters read, or 0 upon EOF.  */
1646 static size_t
read_and_xlate(char * buf,size_t size)1647 read_and_xlate (char *buf, size_t size)
1648 {
1649   size_t bytes_read = plain_read (buf, size);
1651   for (size_t i = 0; i < bytes_read; i++)
1652     buf[i] = xlate[to_uchar (buf[i])];
1654   return bytes_read;
1655 }
1657 /* Initialize a boolean membership set, IN_SET, with the character
1658    values obtained by traversing the linked list of constructs S
1659    using the function 'get_next'.  IN_SET is expected to have been
1660    initialized to all zeros by the caller.  If COMPLEMENT_THIS_SET
1661    is true the resulting set is complemented.  */
1663 static void
set_initialize(struct Spec_list * s,bool complement_this_set,bool * in_set)1664 set_initialize (struct Spec_list *s, bool complement_this_set, bool *in_set)
1665 {
1666   int c;
1668   s->state = BEGIN_STATE;
1669   while ((c = get_next (s, nullptr)) != -1)
1670     in_set[c] = true;
1671   if (complement_this_set)
1672     for (size_t i = 0; i < N_CHARS; i++)
1673       in_set[i] = (!in_set[i]);
1674 }
1676 int
main(int argc,char ** argv)1677 main (int argc, char **argv)
1678 {
1679   int c;
1680   int non_option_args;
1681   int min_operands;
1682   int max_operands;
1683   struct Spec_list buf1, buf2;
1684   struct Spec_list *s1 = &buf1;
1685   struct Spec_list *s2 = &buf2;
1687   initialize_main (&argc, &argv);
1688   set_program_name (argv[0]);
1689   setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
1690   bindtextdomain (PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);
1691   textdomain (PACKAGE);
1693   atexit (close_stdout);
1695   while ((c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "+AcCdst", long_options, nullptr)) != -1)
1696     {
1697       switch (c)
1698         {
1699         case 'A':
1700           /* Undocumented option, for compatibility with AIX.  */
1701           setlocale (LC_COLLATE, "C");
1702           setlocale (LC_CTYPE, "C");
1703           break;
1705         case 'c':
1706         case 'C':
1707           complement = true;
1708           break;
1710         case 'd':
1711           delete = true;
1712           break;
1714         case 's':
1715           squeeze_repeats = true;
1716           break;
1718         case 't':
1719           truncate_set1 = true;
1720           break;
1722         case_GETOPT_HELP_CHAR;
1726         default:
1727           usage (EXIT_FAILURE);
1728           break;
1729         }
1730     }
1732   non_option_args = argc - optind;
1733   translating = (non_option_args == 2 && !delete);
1734   min_operands = 1 + (delete == squeeze_repeats);
1735   max_operands = 1 + (delete <= squeeze_repeats);
1737   if (non_option_args < min_operands)
1738     {
1739       if (non_option_args == 0)
1740         error (0, 0, _("missing operand"));
1741       else
1742         {
1743           error (0, 0, _("missing operand after %s"), quote (argv[argc - 1]));
1744           fprintf (stderr, "%s\n",
1745                    _(squeeze_repeats
1746                      ? N_("Two strings must be given when "
1747                           "both deleting and squeezing repeats.")
1748                      : N_("Two strings must be given when translating.")));
1749         }
1750       usage (EXIT_FAILURE);
1751     }
1753   if (max_operands < non_option_args)
1754     {
1755       error (0, 0, _("extra operand %s"), quote (argv[optind + max_operands]));
1756       if (non_option_args == 2)
1757         fprintf (stderr, "%s\n",
1758                  _("Only one string may be given when "
1759                    "deleting without squeezing repeats."));
1760       usage (EXIT_FAILURE);
1761     }
1763   spec_init (s1);
1764   if (!parse_str (argv[optind], s1))
1765     main_exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
1767   if (non_option_args == 2)
1768     {
1769       spec_init (s2);
1770       if (!parse_str (argv[optind + 1], s2))
1771         main_exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
1772     }
1773   else
1774     s2 = nullptr;
1776   validate (s1, s2);
1778   /* Use binary I/O, since 'tr' is sometimes used to transliterate
1779      non-printable characters, or characters which are stripped away
1780      by text-mode reads (like CR and ^Z).  */
1781   xset_binary_mode (STDIN_FILENO, O_BINARY);
1782   xset_binary_mode (STDOUT_FILENO, O_BINARY);
1783   fadvise (stdin, FADVISE_SEQUENTIAL);
1785   if (squeeze_repeats && non_option_args == 1)
1786     {
1787       set_initialize (s1, complement, in_squeeze_set);
1788       squeeze_filter (io_buf, sizeof io_buf, plain_read);
1789     }
1790   else if (delete && non_option_args == 1)
1791     {
1792       set_initialize (s1, complement, in_delete_set);
1794       while (true)
1795         {
1796           size_t nr = read_and_delete (io_buf, sizeof io_buf);
1797           if (nr == 0)
1798             break;
1799           if (fwrite (io_buf, 1, nr, stdout) != nr)
1800             write_error ();
1801         }
1802     }
1803   else if (squeeze_repeats && delete && non_option_args == 2)
1804     {
1805       set_initialize (s1, complement, in_delete_set);
1806       set_initialize (s2, false, in_squeeze_set);
1807       squeeze_filter (io_buf, sizeof io_buf, read_and_delete);
1808     }
1809   else if (translating)
1810     {
1811       if (complement)
1812         {
1813           bool *in_s1 = in_delete_set;
1815           set_initialize (s1, false, in_s1);
1816           s2->state = BEGIN_STATE;
1817           for (int i = 0; i < N_CHARS; i++)
1818             xlate[i] = i;
1819           for (int i = 0; i < N_CHARS; i++)
1820             {
1821               if (!in_s1[i])
1822                 {
1823                   int ch = get_next (s2, nullptr);
1824                   affirm (ch != -1 || truncate_set1);
1825                   if (ch == -1)
1826                     {
1827                       /* This will happen when tr is invoked like e.g.
1828                          tr -cs A-Za-z0-9 '\012'.  */
1829                       break;
1830                     }
1831                   xlate[i] = ch;
1832                 }
1833             }
1834         }
1835       else
1836         {
1837           int c1, c2;
1838           enum Upper_Lower_class class_s1;
1839           enum Upper_Lower_class class_s2;
1841           for (int i = 0; i < N_CHARS; i++)
1842             xlate[i] = i;
1843           s1->state = BEGIN_STATE;
1844           s2->state = BEGIN_STATE;
1845           while (true)
1846             {
1847               c1 = get_next (s1, &class_s1);
1848               c2 = get_next (s2, &class_s2);
1850               if (class_s1 == UL_LOWER && class_s2 == UL_UPPER)
1851                 {
1852                   for (int i = 0; i < N_CHARS; i++)
1853                     if (islower (i))
1854                       xlate[i] = toupper (i);
1855                 }
1856               else if (class_s1 == UL_UPPER && class_s2 == UL_LOWER)
1857                 {
1858                   for (int i = 0; i < N_CHARS; i++)
1859                     if (isupper (i))
1860                       xlate[i] = tolower (i);
1861                 }
1862               else
1863                 {
1864                   /* The following should have been checked by validate...  */
1865                   if (c1 == -1 || c2 == -1)
1866                     break;
1867                   xlate[c1] = c2;
1868                 }
1870               /* When case-converting, skip the elements as an optimization.  */
1871               if (class_s2 != UL_NONE)
1872                 {
1873                   skip_construct (s1);
1874                   skip_construct (s2);
1875                 }
1876             }
1877           affirm (c1 == -1 || truncate_set1);
1878         }
1879       if (squeeze_repeats)
1880         {
1881           set_initialize (s2, false, in_squeeze_set);
1882           squeeze_filter (io_buf, sizeof io_buf, read_and_xlate);
1883         }
1884       else
1885         {
1886           while (true)
1887             {
1888               size_t bytes_read = read_and_xlate (io_buf, sizeof io_buf);
1889               if (bytes_read == 0)
1890                 break;
1891               if (fwrite (io_buf, 1, bytes_read, stdout) != bytes_read)
1892                 write_error ();
1893             }
1894         }
1895     }
1897   if (close (STDIN_FILENO) != 0)
1898     error (EXIT_FAILURE, errno, _("standard input"));
1900   main_exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);
1901 }