xref: /wlan-driver/qcacld-3.0/components/cmn_services/policy_mgr/inc/cfg_policy_mgr.h (revision 5113495b16420b49004c444715d2daae2066e7dc)
1*5113495bSYour Name /*
2*5113495bSYour Name  * Copyright (c) 2012-2021 The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
3*5113495bSYour Name  * Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved.
4*5113495bSYour Name  *
5*5113495bSYour Name  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for
6*5113495bSYour Name  * any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the
7*5113495bSYour Name  * above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all
8*5113495bSYour Name  * copies.
9*5113495bSYour Name  *
18*5113495bSYour Name  */
19*5113495bSYour Name 
20*5113495bSYour Name #ifndef __CFG_POLICY_MGR
21*5113495bSYour Name #define __CFG_POLICY_MGR
22*5113495bSYour Name #include "qdf_types.h"
23*5113495bSYour Name 
24*5113495bSYour Name /*
25*5113495bSYour Name  * <ini>
26*5113495bSYour Name  * gWlanMccToSccSwitchMode - Control SAP channel.
27*5113495bSYour Name  * @Min: 0
28*5113495bSYour Name  * @Max: 6
29*5113495bSYour Name  * @Default: 0
30*5113495bSYour Name  *
31*5113495bSYour Name  * This ini is used to override SAP channel.
32*5113495bSYour Name  * If gWlanMccToSccSwitchMode = 0: disabled.
33*5113495bSYour Name  * If gWlanMccToSccSwitchMode = 1: deprecated, overwritten to 3 in driver
34*5113495bSYour Name  * If gWlanMccToSccSwitchMode = 2: deprecated, overwritten to 3 in driver
35*5113495bSYour Name  * If gWlanMccToSccSwitchMode = 3: Force switch without SAP restart.
36*5113495bSYour Name  * If gWlanMccToSccSwitchMode = 4: Switch using
37*5113495bSYour Name  *                                 fav channel(s)without SAP restart.
38*5113495bSYour Name  * If gWlanMccToSccSwitchMode = 5: Force switch without SAP restart.MCC allowed
39*5113495bSYour Name  *                                 in exceptional cases.
40*5113495bSYour Name  * If gWlanMccToSccSwitchMode = 6: Force Switch without SAP restart only in
41*5113495bSYour Name  *                                 user preferred band.
42*5113495bSYour Name  * Related: None.
43*5113495bSYour Name  *
44*5113495bSYour Name  * Supported Feature: Concurrency
45*5113495bSYour Name  *
46*5113495bSYour Name  * Usage: External
47*5113495bSYour Name  *
48*5113495bSYour Name  * </ini>
49*5113495bSYour Name  */
50*5113495bSYour Name #define CFG_MCC_TO_SCC_SWITCH CFG_INI_UINT(\
51*5113495bSYour Name 					"gWlanMccToSccSwitchMode", \
52*5113495bSYour Name 					QDF_MCC_TO_SCC_SWITCH_DISABLE, \
53*5113495bSYour Name 					QDF_MCC_TO_SCC_SWITCH_MAX - 1, \
54*5113495bSYour Name 					QDF_MCC_TO_SCC_SWITCH_DISABLE, \
55*5113495bSYour Name 					CFG_VALUE_OR_DEFAULT, \
56*5113495bSYour Name 					"Provides MCC to SCC switch mode")
57*5113495bSYour Name /*
58*5113495bSYour Name  * <ini>
59*5113495bSYour Name  * gSystemPref - Configure wlan system preference for PCL.
60*5113495bSYour Name  * @Min: 0
61*5113495bSYour Name  * @Max: 2
62*5113495bSYour Name  * @Default: 0
63*5113495bSYour Name  *
64*5113495bSYour Name  * This ini is used to configure wlan system preference option to help
65*5113495bSYour Name  * policy manager decide on Preferred Channel List for a new connection.
66*5113495bSYour Name  * For possible values refer to enum hdd_conc_priority_mode
67*5113495bSYour Name  *
68*5113495bSYour Name  * Related: None.
69*5113495bSYour Name  *
70*5113495bSYour Name  * Supported Feature: DBS
71*5113495bSYour Name  *
72*5113495bSYour Name  * Usage: External
73*5113495bSYour Name  *
74*5113495bSYour Name  * </ini>
75*5113495bSYour Name  */
76*5113495bSYour Name #define CFG_CONC_SYS_PREF CFG_INI_UINT(\
77*5113495bSYour Name 					"gSystemPref", 0, 2, 0, \
78*5113495bSYour Name 					CFG_VALUE_OR_DEFAULT, \
79*5113495bSYour Name 					"System preference to predict PCL")
80*5113495bSYour Name /*
81*5113495bSYour Name  * <ini>
82*5113495bSYour Name  * gMaxConcurrentActiveSessions - Maximum number of concurrent connections.
83*5113495bSYour Name  * @Min: 1
84*5113495bSYour Name  * @Max: 4
85*5113495bSYour Name  * @Default: 3
86*5113495bSYour Name  *
87*5113495bSYour Name  * This ini is used to configure the maximum number of concurrent connections.
88*5113495bSYour Name  *
89*5113495bSYour Name  * Related: None.
90*5113495bSYour Name  *
91*5113495bSYour Name  * Supported Feature: Concurrency
92*5113495bSYour Name  *
93*5113495bSYour Name  * Usage: External
94*5113495bSYour Name  *
95*5113495bSYour Name  * </ini>
96*5113495bSYour Name  */
97*5113495bSYour Name #define CFG_MAX_CONC_CXNS CFG_INI_UINT(\
98*5113495bSYour Name 					"gMaxConcurrentActiveSessions", \
99*5113495bSYour Name 					1, 4, 3, \
100*5113495bSYour Name 					CFG_VALUE_OR_DEFAULT, \
101*5113495bSYour Name 					"Config max num allowed connections")
102*5113495bSYour Name 
103*5113495bSYour Name #define POLICY_MGR_CH_SELECT_POLICY_DEF         0x00000003
104*5113495bSYour Name 
105*5113495bSYour Name /*
106*5113495bSYour Name  * <ini>
107*5113495bSYour Name  * channel_select_logic_conc - Set channel selection logic
108*5113495bSYour Name  * for different concurrency combinations to DBS or inter band
109*5113495bSYour Name  * MCC. Default is DBS for STA+STA and STA+P2P.
110*5113495bSYour Name  * @Min: 0x00000000
111*5113495bSYour Name  * @Max: 0xFFFFFFFF
112*5113495bSYour Name  * @Default: 0x00000000
113*5113495bSYour Name  *
114*5113495bSYour Name  * 0 - inter-band MCC
115*5113495bSYour Name  * 1 - DBS
116*5113495bSYour Name  *
117*5113495bSYour Name  * BIT 0: STA+STA
118*5113495bSYour Name  * BIT 1: STA+P2P
119*5113495bSYour Name  * BIT 2-31: Reserved
120*5113495bSYour Name  *
121*5113495bSYour Name  * Supported Feature: STA+STA, STA+P2P
122*5113495bSYour Name  *
123*5113495bSYour Name  * Usage: External
124*5113495bSYour Name  *
125*5113495bSYour Name  * </ini>
126*5113495bSYour Name  */
127*5113495bSYour Name #define CFG_CHNL_SELECT_LOGIC_CONC CFG_INI_UINT(\
128*5113495bSYour Name 					"channel_select_logic_conc",\
129*5113495bSYour Name 					0x00000000, \
130*5113495bSYour Name 					0xFFFFFFFF, \
131*5113495bSYour Name 					POLICY_MGR_CH_SELECT_POLICY_DEF, \
132*5113495bSYour Name 					CFG_VALUE_OR_DEFAULT, \
133*5113495bSYour Name 					"Set channel selection policy for various concurrency")
134*5113495bSYour Name /*
135*5113495bSYour Name  * <ini>
136*5113495bSYour Name  * dbs_selection_policy - Configure dbs selection policy.
137*5113495bSYour Name  * @Min: 0
138*5113495bSYour Name  * @Max: 3
139*5113495bSYour Name  * @Default: 0
140*5113495bSYour Name  *
141*5113495bSYour Name  *  set band preference or Vdev preference.
142*5113495bSYour Name  *      bit[0] = 0: 5G 2x2 preferred to select 2x2 5G + 1x1 2G DBS mode.
143*5113495bSYour Name  *      bit[0] = 1: 2G 2x2 preferred to select 2x2 2G + 1x1 5G DBS mode.
144*5113495bSYour Name  *      bit[1] = 1: vdev priority enabled. The INI "vdev_priority_list" will
145*5113495bSYour Name  * specify the vdev priority.
146*5113495bSYour Name  *      bit[1] = 0: vdev priority disabled.
147*5113495bSYour Name  * This INI only take effect for Genoa dual DBS hw.
148*5113495bSYour Name  *
149*5113495bSYour Name  * Supported Feature: DBS
150*5113495bSYour Name  *
151*5113495bSYour Name  * Usage: External
152*5113495bSYour Name  *
153*5113495bSYour Name  * </ini>
154*5113495bSYour Name  */
155*5113495bSYour Name #define CFG_DBS_SELECTION_PLCY CFG_INI_UINT(\
156*5113495bSYour Name 					    "dbs_selection_policy", \
157*5113495bSYour Name 					    0, 3, 0, \
158*5113495bSYour Name 					    CFG_VALUE_OR_DEFAULT, \
159*5113495bSYour Name 					    "Configure dbs selection policy")
160*5113495bSYour Name /*
161*5113495bSYour Name  * <ini>
162*5113495bSYour Name  * vdev_priority_list - Configure vdev priority list.
163*5113495bSYour Name  * @Min: 0
164*5113495bSYour Name  * @Max: 0x4444
165*5113495bSYour Name  * @Default: 0x4321
166*5113495bSYour Name  *
167*5113495bSYour Name  * @vdev_priority_list: vdev priority list
168*5113495bSYour Name  *      bit[0-3]: pri_id (policy_mgr_pri_id) of highest priority
169*5113495bSYour Name  *      bit[4-7]: pri_id (policy_mgr_pri_id) of second priority
170*5113495bSYour Name  *      bit[8-11]: pri_id (policy_mgr_pri_id) of third priority
171*5113495bSYour Name  *      bit[12-15]: pri_id (policy_mgr_pri_id) of fourth priority
172*5113495bSYour Name  *      example: 0x4321 - CLI < GO < SAP < STA
173*5113495bSYour Name  *      vdev priority id mapping:
174*5113495bSYour Name  *        PM_STA_PRI_ID = 1,
175*5113495bSYour Name  *        PM_SAP_PRI_ID = 2,
176*5113495bSYour Name  *        PM_P2P_GO_PRI_ID = 3,
177*5113495bSYour Name  *        PM_P2P_CLI_PRI_ID = 4,
178*5113495bSYour Name  * When the previous INI "dbs_selection_policy" bit[1]=1, which means
179*5113495bSYour Name  * the vdev 2x2 prioritization enabled. Then this INI will be used to
180*5113495bSYour Name  * specify the vdev type priority list. For example :
181*5113495bSYour Name  * dbs_selection_policy=0x2
182*5113495bSYour Name  * vdev_priority_list=0x4312
183*5113495bSYour Name  * means: default preference 2x2 band is 5G, vdev 2x2 prioritization enabled.
184*5113495bSYour Name  * And the priority list is CLI < GO < STA < SAP
185*5113495bSYour Name  *
186*5113495bSYour Name  * This INI only take effect for Genoa dual DBS hw.
187*5113495bSYour Name  *
188*5113495bSYour Name  * Supported Feature: DBS
189*5113495bSYour Name  *
190*5113495bSYour Name  * Usage: External
191*5113495bSYour Name  *
192*5113495bSYour Name  * </ini>
193*5113495bSYour Name  */
195*5113495bSYour Name 					"vdev_priority_list", \
196*5113495bSYour Name 					0, 0x4444, 0x4321, \
197*5113495bSYour Name 					CFG_VALUE_OR_DEFAULT, \
198*5113495bSYour Name 					"Configure vdev priority list")
199*5113495bSYour Name /*
200*5113495bSYour Name  * <ini>
201*5113495bSYour Name  * gEnableCustomConcRule1 - Enable custom concurrency rule1.
202*5113495bSYour Name  * @Min: 0
203*5113495bSYour Name  * @Max: 1
204*5113495bSYour Name  * @Default: 0
205*5113495bSYour Name  *
206*5113495bSYour Name  * This ini is used to enable/disable custom concurrency rule1.
207*5113495bSYour Name  * If SAP comes up first and STA comes up later then SAP needs to follow STA's
208*5113495bSYour Name  * channel.
209*5113495bSYour Name  *
210*5113495bSYour Name  * Related: None.
211*5113495bSYour Name  *
212*5113495bSYour Name  * Supported Feature: Concurrency
213*5113495bSYour Name  *
214*5113495bSYour Name  * Usage: External
215*5113495bSYour Name  *
216*5113495bSYour Name  * </ini>
217*5113495bSYour Name  */
218*5113495bSYour Name #define CFG_ENABLE_CONC_RULE1 CFG_INI_UINT(\
219*5113495bSYour Name 					"gEnableCustomConcRule1", \
220*5113495bSYour Name 					0, 1, 0, \
221*5113495bSYour Name 					CFG_VALUE_OR_DEFAULT, \
222*5113495bSYour Name 					"Enable custom concurrency rule 1")
223*5113495bSYour Name /*
224*5113495bSYour Name  * <ini>
225*5113495bSYour Name  * gEnableCustomConcRule2 - Enable custom concurrency rule2.
226*5113495bSYour Name  * @Min: 0
227*5113495bSYour Name  * @Max: 1
228*5113495bSYour Name  * @Default: 0
229*5113495bSYour Name  *
230*5113495bSYour Name  * This ini is used to enable/disable custom concurrency rule2.
231*5113495bSYour Name  * If P2PGO comes up first and STA comes up later then P2PGO need to follow
232*5113495bSYour Name  * STA's channel in 5Ghz. In following if condition we are just adding sanity
233*5113495bSYour Name  * check to make sure that by this time P2PGO's channel is same as STA's
234*5113495bSYour Name  * channel.
235*5113495bSYour Name  *
236*5113495bSYour Name  * Related: None.
237*5113495bSYour Name  *
238*5113495bSYour Name  * Supported Feature: Concurrency
239*5113495bSYour Name  *
240*5113495bSYour Name  * Usage: External
241*5113495bSYour Name  *
242*5113495bSYour Name  * </ini>
243*5113495bSYour Name  */
244*5113495bSYour Name #define CFG_ENABLE_CONC_RULE2 CFG_INI_UINT(\
245*5113495bSYour Name 					"gEnableCustomConcRule2", \
246*5113495bSYour Name 					0, 1, 0, \
247*5113495bSYour Name 					CFG_VALUE_OR_DEFAULT, \
248*5113495bSYour Name 					"Enable custom concurrency rule 2")
249*5113495bSYour Name /*
250*5113495bSYour Name  * <ini>
251*5113495bSYour Name  * gEnableMCCAdaptiveScheduler - MCC Adaptive Scheduler feature.
252*5113495bSYour Name  * @Min: 0
253*5113495bSYour Name  * @Max: 1
254*5113495bSYour Name  * @Default: 1
255*5113495bSYour Name  *
256*5113495bSYour Name  * This ini is used to enable/disable MCC Adaptive Scheduler feature.
257*5113495bSYour Name  *
258*5113495bSYour Name  * Related: None.
259*5113495bSYour Name  *
260*5113495bSYour Name  * Supported Feature: Concurrency
261*5113495bSYour Name  *
262*5113495bSYour Name  * Usage: External
263*5113495bSYour Name  *
264*5113495bSYour Name  * </ini>
265*5113495bSYour Name  */
267*5113495bSYour Name 					"gEnableMCCAdaptiveScheduler", \
268*5113495bSYour Name 					true, \
269*5113495bSYour Name 					"Enable/Disable MCC Adaptive Scheduler")
270*5113495bSYour Name 
271*5113495bSYour Name /*
272*5113495bSYour Name  * <ini>
273*5113495bSYour Name  * gEnableStaConnectionIn5Ghz - To enable/disable STA connection in 5G
274*5113495bSYour Name  * @Min: 0
275*5113495bSYour Name  * @Max: 1
276*5113495bSYour Name  * @Default: 1
277*5113495bSYour Name  *
278*5113495bSYour Name  * This ini is used to enable/disable STA connection in 5G band
279*5113495bSYour Name  *
280*5113495bSYour Name  * Related: STA
281*5113495bSYour Name  *
282*5113495bSYour Name  * Supported Feature: Concurrency
283*5113495bSYour Name  *
284*5113495bSYour Name  * Usage: External
285*5113495bSYour Name  *
286*5113495bSYour Name  * </ini>
287*5113495bSYour Name  */
289*5113495bSYour Name 					"gEnableStaConnectionIn5Ghz", \
290*5113495bSYour Name 					0, 1, 1, \
291*5113495bSYour Name 					CFG_VALUE_OR_DEFAULT, \
292*5113495bSYour Name 					"Enable/Disable STA connection in 5G")
293*5113495bSYour Name 
294*5113495bSYour Name /*
295*5113495bSYour Name  * <ini>
296*5113495bSYour Name  * gAllowMCCGODiffBI - Allow GO in MCC mode to accept different beacon interval
297*5113495bSYour Name  * than STA's.
298*5113495bSYour Name  * @Min: 0
299*5113495bSYour Name  * @Max: 4
300*5113495bSYour Name  * @Default: 4
301*5113495bSYour Name  *
302*5113495bSYour Name  * This ini is used to allow GO in MCC mode to accept different beacon interval
303*5113495bSYour Name  * than STA's.
304*5113495bSYour Name  * Added for Wi-Fi Cert. 5.1.12
305*5113495bSYour Name  * If gAllowMCCGODiffBI = 1
306*5113495bSYour Name  *	Set to 1 for WFA certification. GO Beacon interval is not changed.
307*5113495bSYour Name  *	MCC GO doesn't work well in optimized way. In worst scenario, it may
308*5113495bSYour Name  *	invite STA disconnection.
309*5113495bSYour Name  * If gAllowMCCGODiffBI = 2
310*5113495bSYour Name  *	If set to 2 workaround 1 disassoc all the clients and update beacon
311*5113495bSYour Name  *	Interval.
312*5113495bSYour Name  * If gAllowMCCGODiffBI = 3
313*5113495bSYour Name  *	If set to 3 tear down the P2P link in auto/Non-autonomous -GO case.
314*5113495bSYour Name  * If gAllowMCCGODiffBI = 4
315*5113495bSYour Name  *	If set to 4 don't disconnect the P2P client in autonomous/Non-auto-
316*5113495bSYour Name  *	nomous -GO case update the BI dynamically
317*5113495bSYour Name  *
318*5113495bSYour Name  * Related: None.
319*5113495bSYour Name  *
320*5113495bSYour Name  * Supported Feature: Concurrency
321*5113495bSYour Name  *
322*5113495bSYour Name  * Usage: External
323*5113495bSYour Name  *
324*5113495bSYour Name  * </ini>
325*5113495bSYour Name  */
326*5113495bSYour Name #define CFG_ALLOW_MCC_GO_DIFF_BI \
327*5113495bSYour Name CFG_INI_UINT("gAllowMCCGODiffBI", 0, 4, 4, CFG_VALUE_OR_DEFAULT, \
328*5113495bSYour Name 	     "Allow GO in MCC mode to accept different BI than STA's")
329*5113495bSYour Name 
330*5113495bSYour Name /*
331*5113495bSYour Name  *
332*5113495bSYour Name  * <ini>
333*5113495bSYour Name  * gDualMacFeatureDisable - Disable Dual MAC feature.
334*5113495bSYour Name  * @Min: 0
335*5113495bSYour Name  * @Max: 6
336*5113495bSYour Name  * @Default: 6
337*5113495bSYour Name  *
338*5113495bSYour Name  * This ini is used to enable/disable dual MAC feature.
339*5113495bSYour Name  * 0 - enable DBS
340*5113495bSYour Name  * 1 - disable DBS
341*5113495bSYour Name  * 2 - disable DBS for connection but keep DBS for scan
342*5113495bSYour Name  * 3 - disable DBS for connection but keep DBS scan with async
343*5113495bSYour Name  * scan policy disabled
344*5113495bSYour Name  * 4 - enable DBS for connection as well as for scan with async
345*5113495bSYour Name  * scan policy disabled
346*5113495bSYour Name  * 5 - enable DBS for connection but disable DBS for scan.
347*5113495bSYour Name  * 6 - enable DBS for connection but disable simultaneous scan
348*5113495bSYour Name  * from upper layer (DBS scan remains enabled in FW).
349*5113495bSYour Name  *
350*5113495bSYour Name  * Note: INI item value should match 'enum dbs_support'
351*5113495bSYour Name  *
352*5113495bSYour Name  * Related: None.
353*5113495bSYour Name  *
354*5113495bSYour Name  * Supported Feature: DBS
355*5113495bSYour Name  *
356*5113495bSYour Name  * Usage: External
357*5113495bSYour Name  *
358*5113495bSYour Name  * </ini>
359*5113495bSYour Name  */
360*5113495bSYour Name #define CFG_DUAL_MAC_FEATURE_DISABLE \
361*5113495bSYour Name CFG_INI_UINT("gDualMacFeatureDisable", 0, 6, 6, CFG_VALUE_OR_DEFAULT, \
362*5113495bSYour Name 	     "This INI is used to enable/disable Dual MAC feature")
363*5113495bSYour Name 
364*5113495bSYour Name /*
365*5113495bSYour Name  *
366*5113495bSYour Name  * <ini>
367*5113495bSYour Name  * enable_sbs - Enable/Disable SBS.
368*5113495bSYour Name  * @Min: 0
369*5113495bSYour Name  * @Max: 1
370*5113495bSYour Name  * @Default: 1
371*5113495bSYour Name  *
372*5113495bSYour Name  * This ini is used to enable/disable SBS feature.
373*5113495bSYour Name  * 0 - disable SBS
374*5113495bSYour Name  * 1 - enable SBS
375*5113495bSYour Name  *
376*5113495bSYour Name  *
377*5113495bSYour Name  * Related: None.
378*5113495bSYour Name  *
379*5113495bSYour Name  * Supported Feature: SBS
380*5113495bSYour Name  *
381*5113495bSYour Name  * Usage: External
382*5113495bSYour Name  *
383*5113495bSYour Name  * </ini>
384*5113495bSYour Name  */
385*5113495bSYour Name #define CFG_ENABLE_SBS CFG_INI_BOOL(\
386*5113495bSYour Name 					"enable_sbs", \
387*5113495bSYour Name 					true, \
388*5113495bSYour Name 					"Enable/Disable SBS")
389*5113495bSYour Name 
390*5113495bSYour Name /*
391*5113495bSYour Name  * <ini>
392*5113495bSYour Name  * g_sta_sap_scc_on_dfs_chan - Allow STA+SAP SCC on DFS channel with master
393*5113495bSYour Name  * mode support disabled.
394*5113495bSYour Name  * @Min: 0
395*5113495bSYour Name  * @Max: 2
396*5113495bSYour Name  * @Default: 2
397*5113495bSYour Name  *
398*5113495bSYour Name  * This ini is used to allow STA+SAP SCC on DFS channel with master mode
399*5113495bSYour Name  * support disabled, the value is defined by enum PM_AP_DFS_MASTER_MODE.
400*5113495bSYour Name  * 0 - Disallow STA+SAP SCC on DFS channel
401*5113495bSYour Name  * 1 - Allow STA+SAP SCC on DFS channel with master mode disabled
402*5113495bSYour Name  *       This needs gEnableDFSMasterCap enabled to allow SAP SCC with
403*5113495bSYour Name  *       STA on DFS but dfs master mode disabled. Single SAP is not allowed
404*5113495bSYour Name  *       on DFS.
405*5113495bSYour Name  * 2 - enhance "1" with below requirement
406*5113495bSYour Name  *	 a. Allow single SAP (GO) start on DFS channel.
407*5113495bSYour Name  *	 b. Allow CAC process on DFS channel in single SAP (GO) mode
408*5113495bSYour Name  *	 c. Allow DFS radar event process in single SAP (GO) mode
409*5113495bSYour Name  *	 d. Disallow CAC and radar event process in SAP (GO) + STA mode.
410*5113495bSYour Name  *	 The value 2 of this ini requires master mode to be enabled so it is
411*5113495bSYour Name  *	 mandatory to enable the dfs master mode ini gEnableDFSMasterCap
412*5113495bSYour Name  *	 along with it.
413*5113495bSYour Name  *
414*5113495bSYour Name  * Related: None.
415*5113495bSYour Name  *
416*5113495bSYour Name  * Supported Feature: Non-DBS, DBS
417*5113495bSYour Name  *
418*5113495bSYour Name  * Usage: External
419*5113495bSYour Name  *
420*5113495bSYour Name  * </ini>
421*5113495bSYour Name  */
422*5113495bSYour Name 
423*5113495bSYour Name #define CFG_STA_SAP_SCC_ON_DFS_CHAN \
424*5113495bSYour Name CFG_INI_UINT("g_sta_sap_scc_on_dfs_chan", 0, 2, 2, CFG_VALUE_OR_DEFAULT, \
425*5113495bSYour Name 	     "Allow STA+SAP SCC on DFS channel with master mode disable")
426*5113495bSYour Name 
427*5113495bSYour Name /*
428*5113495bSYour Name  * <ini>
429*5113495bSYour Name  * sta_sap_scc_on_indoor_chan - Allow STA+SAP SCC on indoor channel
430*5113495bSYour Name  * when STA is connected on indoor channel.
431*5113495bSYour Name  * @Min: false
432*5113495bSYour Name  * @Max: true
433*5113495bSYour Name  * @Default: false
434*5113495bSYour Name  *
435*5113495bSYour Name  * This ini is used to allow STA+SAP SCC on indoor channel
436*5113495bSYour Name  * 0 - Disallow STA+SAP SCC on Indoor only channel
437*5113495bSYour Name  * 1 - Allow STA+SAP SCC on DFS channel. SAP will move to indoor channel
438*5113495bSYour Name  * once STA is connected on indoor only channel.
439*5113495bSYour Name  * When gindoor_channel_support=1, this ini will not be considered and
440*5113495bSYour Name  * SAP can come up on indoor channel.
441*5113495bSYour Name  *
442*5113495bSYour Name  * Related: gindoor_channel_support.
443*5113495bSYour Name  *
444*5113495bSYour Name  * Supported Feature: Non-DBS, DBS
445*5113495bSYour Name  *
446*5113495bSYour Name  * Usage: External
447*5113495bSYour Name  *
448*5113495bSYour Name  * </ini>
449*5113495bSYour Name  */
450*5113495bSYour Name #define CFG_STA_SAP_SCC_ON_INDOOR_CHAN CFG_INI_BOOL(\
451*5113495bSYour Name 			"sta_sap_scc_on_indoor_chan", \
452*5113495bSYour Name 			false, \
453*5113495bSYour Name 			"Allow STA+SAP SCC on indoor channel")
454*5113495bSYour Name 
455*5113495bSYour Name /*
456*5113495bSYour Name  * <ini>
457*5113495bSYour Name  * gForce1x1Exception - force 1x1 when connecting to certain peer
458*5113495bSYour Name  * @Min: 0
459*5113495bSYour Name  * @Max: 2
460*5113495bSYour Name  * @Default: 2
461*5113495bSYour Name  *
462*5113495bSYour Name  * This INI when enabled will force 1x1 connection with certain peer.
463*5113495bSYour Name  * The implementation for this ini would be as follows:-
464*5113495bSYour Name  * Value 0: Even if the AP is present in OUI, 1x1 will not be forced
465*5113495bSYour Name  * Value 1: If antenna sharing supported, then only do 1x1.
466*5113495bSYour Name  * Value 2: If AP present in OUI, force 1x1 connection.
467*5113495bSYour Name 
468*5113495bSYour Name  *
469*5113495bSYour Name  * Related: None
470*5113495bSYour Name  *
471*5113495bSYour Name  * Supported Feature: connection
472*5113495bSYour Name  *
473*5113495bSYour Name  * Usage: External
474*5113495bSYour Name  *
475*5113495bSYour Name  * </ini>
476*5113495bSYour Name  */
477*5113495bSYour Name 
478*5113495bSYour Name #define CFG_FORCE_1X1_FEATURE \
479*5113495bSYour Name CFG_INI_UINT("gForce1x1Exception", 0, 2, 1, CFG_VALUE_OR_DEFAULT, \
480*5113495bSYour Name 	     "force 1x1 when connecting to certain peer")
481*5113495bSYour Name 
482*5113495bSYour Name /*
483*5113495bSYour Name  * <ini>
484*5113495bSYour Name  * gEnableSAPManadatoryChanList - Enable SAP Mandatory channel list
485*5113495bSYour Name  * Options.
486*5113495bSYour Name  * @Min: 0
487*5113495bSYour Name  * @Max: 1
488*5113495bSYour Name  * @Default: 0
489*5113495bSYour Name  *
490*5113495bSYour Name  * This ini is used to enable/disable the SAP manadatory chan list
491*5113495bSYour Name  * 0 - Disable SAP mandatory chan list
492*5113495bSYour Name  * 1 - Enable SAP mandatory chan list
493*5113495bSYour Name  *
494*5113495bSYour Name  * Supported Feature: SAP
495*5113495bSYour Name  *
496*5113495bSYour Name  *
497*5113495bSYour Name  * Usage: External
498*5113495bSYour Name  *
499*5113495bSYour Name  * </ini>
500*5113495bSYour Name  */
501*5113495bSYour Name 
502*5113495bSYour Name #define CFG_ENABLE_SAP_MANDATORY_CHAN_LIST \
503*5113495bSYour Name CFG_INI_UINT("gEnableSAPManadatoryChanList", 0, 1, 0, CFG_VALUE_OR_DEFAULT, \
504*5113495bSYour Name 	     "Enable SAP Mandatory channel list")
505*5113495bSYour Name 
506*5113495bSYour Name /*
507*5113495bSYour Name  * <ini>
508*5113495bSYour Name  * g_nan_sap_scc_on_lte_coex_chan - Allow NAN+SAP SCC on LTE coex channel
509*5113495bSYour Name  * @Min: 0
510*5113495bSYour Name  * @Max: 1
511*5113495bSYour Name  * @Default: 1
512*5113495bSYour Name  *
513*5113495bSYour Name  * This ini is used to allow NAN+SAP SCC on LTE coex channel
514*5113495bSYour Name  * 0 - Disallow NAN+SAP SCC on LTE coex channel
515*5113495bSYour Name  * 1 - Allow NAN+SAP SCC on LTE coex channel
516*5113495bSYour Name  *
517*5113495bSYour Name  * Related: Depends on gWlanMccToSccSwitchMode config.
518*5113495bSYour Name  *
519*5113495bSYour Name  * Supported Feature: Non-DBS, DBS
520*5113495bSYour Name  *
521*5113495bSYour Name  * Usage: External
522*5113495bSYour Name  *
523*5113495bSYour Name  * </ini>
524*5113495bSYour Name  */
525*5113495bSYour Name #define CFG_NAN_SAP_SCC_ON_LTE_COEX_CHAN \
526*5113495bSYour Name CFG_INI_BOOL("g_nan_sap_scc_on_lte_coex_chan", 1, \
527*5113495bSYour Name 	     "Allow NAN+SAP SCC on LTE coex channel")
528*5113495bSYour Name 
529*5113495bSYour Name /*
530*5113495bSYour Name  * <ini>
531*5113495bSYour Name  * g_sta_sap_scc_on_lte_coex_chan - Allow STA+SAP SCC on LTE coex channel
532*5113495bSYour Name  * @Min: 0
533*5113495bSYour Name  * @Max: 1
534*5113495bSYour Name  * @Default: 1
535*5113495bSYour Name  *
536*5113495bSYour Name  * This ini is used to allow STA+SAP SCC on LTE coex channel
537*5113495bSYour Name  * 0 - Disallow STA+SAP SCC on LTE coex channel
538*5113495bSYour Name  * 1 - Allow STA+SAP SCC on LTE coex channel
539*5113495bSYour Name  *
540*5113495bSYour Name  * Related: None.
541*5113495bSYour Name  *
542*5113495bSYour Name  * Supported Feature: Non-DBS, DBS
543*5113495bSYour Name  *
544*5113495bSYour Name  * Usage: External
545*5113495bSYour Name  *
546*5113495bSYour Name  * </ini>
547*5113495bSYour Name  */
548*5113495bSYour Name #define CFG_STA_SAP_SCC_ON_LTE_COEX_CHAN \
549*5113495bSYour Name CFG_INI_UINT("g_sta_sap_scc_on_lte_coex_chan", 0, 1, 1, CFG_VALUE_OR_DEFAULT, \
550*5113495bSYour Name 	     "Allow STA+SAP SCC on LTE coex channel")
551*5113495bSYour Name 
552*5113495bSYour Name /*
553*5113495bSYour Name  * <ini>
554*5113495bSYour Name  * g_mark_sap_indoor_as_disable - Enable/Disable Indoor channel
555*5113495bSYour Name  * @Min: 0
556*5113495bSYour Name  * @Max: 1
557*5113495bSYour Name  * @Default: 0
558*5113495bSYour Name  *
559*5113495bSYour Name  * This ini is used to mark the Indoor channel as
560*5113495bSYour Name  * disable when SAP start and revert it on SAP stop,
561*5113495bSYour Name  * so SAP will not turn on indoor channel and
562*5113495bSYour Name  * sta will not scan/associate and roam on indoor
563*5113495bSYour Name  * channels.
564*5113495bSYour Name  *
565*5113495bSYour Name  * Related: If g_mark_sap_indoor_as_disable set, turn the
566*5113495bSYour Name  * indoor channels to disable and update Wiphy & fw.
567*5113495bSYour Name  *
568*5113495bSYour Name  * Supported Feature: SAP/STA
569*5113495bSYour Name  *
570*5113495bSYour Name  * Usage: External
571*5113495bSYour Name  *
572*5113495bSYour Name  * </ini>
573*5113495bSYour Name  */
574*5113495bSYour Name 
575*5113495bSYour Name #define CFG_MARK_INDOOR_AS_DISABLE_FEATURE \
576*5113495bSYour Name CFG_INI_UINT("g_mark_sap_indoor_as_disable", 0, 1, 0, CFG_VALUE_OR_DEFAULT, \
577*5113495bSYour Name 	     "Enable/Disable Indoor channel")
578*5113495bSYour Name 
579*5113495bSYour Name /*
580*5113495bSYour Name  * <ini>
581*5113495bSYour Name  * g_enable_go_force_scc - Enable/Disable force SCC on P2P GO
582*5113495bSYour Name  * @Min: 0
583*5113495bSYour Name  * @Max: 2
584*5113495bSYour Name  * @Default: 0
585*5113495bSYour Name  *
586*5113495bSYour Name  * This ini and along with "gWlanMccToSccSwitchMode" is used to enable
587*5113495bSYour Name  * force SCC on P2P GO interface.
588*5113495bSYour Name  *
589*5113495bSYour Name  * GO_FORCE_SCC_DISABLED (value 0): GO force scc disabled and GO can come up
590*5113495bSYour Name  * in MCC mode
591*5113495bSYour Name  * GO_FORCE_SCC_STRICT (value 1): New GO will be forced to form on existing
592*5113495bSYour Name  * GO/STA/GC channel in start bss itself.
593*5113495bSYour Name  * GO_FORCE_SCC_LIBERAL (value 2): After SET KEY is done, do force SCC for the
594*5113495bSYour Name  * first GO to move to new GO channel.
595*5113495bSYour Name  *
596*5113495bSYour Name  * Supported Feature: P2P GO
597*5113495bSYour Name  *
598*5113495bSYour Name  * Usage: External
599*5113495bSYour Name  *
600*5113495bSYour Name  * </ini>
601*5113495bSYour Name  */
602*5113495bSYour Name 
603*5113495bSYour Name #define CFG_P2P_GO_ENABLE_FORCE_SCC \
604*5113495bSYour Name CFG_INI_UINT("g_enable_go_force_scc", 0, 2, 0, CFG_VALUE_OR_DEFAULT, \
605*5113495bSYour Name 	     "Enable/Disable P2P GO force SCC")
606*5113495bSYour Name 
607*5113495bSYour Name /*
608*5113495bSYour Name  * <ini>
609*5113495bSYour Name  * g_pcl_band_priority - Set 5G/6G Channel order
610*5113495bSYour Name  * Options.
611*5113495bSYour Name  * @Min: 0
612*5113495bSYour Name  * @Max: 1
613*5113495bSYour Name  * @Default: 0
614*5113495bSYour Name  *
615*5113495bSYour Name  * This ini is used to set preference between 5G and 6G channels during
616*5113495bSYour Name  * PCL population.
617*5113495bSYour Name  * 0 - Prefer 5G channels, 5G channels will be placed before the 6G channels
618*5113495bSYour Name  *	in PCL.
619*5113495bSYour Name  * 1 - Prefer 6G channels, 6G channels will be placed before the 5G channels
620*5113495bSYour Name  *	in PCL.
621*5113495bSYour Name  *
622*5113495bSYour Name  * Supported Feature: STA, SAP
623*5113495bSYour Name  *
624*5113495bSYour Name  *
625*5113495bSYour Name  * Usage: External
626*5113495bSYour Name  *
627*5113495bSYour Name  * </ini>
628*5113495bSYour Name  */
629*5113495bSYour Name 
630*5113495bSYour Name #define CFG_PCL_BAND_PRIORITY \
631*5113495bSYour Name CFG_INI_UINT("g_pcl_band_priority", 0, 1, 0, CFG_VALUE_OR_DEFAULT, \
632*5113495bSYour Name 	     "Set 5G and 6G Channel order")
633*5113495bSYour Name 
634*5113495bSYour Name /*
635*5113495bSYour Name  * <ini>
636*5113495bSYour Name  * g_multi_sap_allowed_on_same_band - Allow multi sap started on same band
637*5113495bSYour Name  * @Min: 0
638*5113495bSYour Name  * @Max: 1
639*5113495bSYour Name  * @Default: 1
640*5113495bSYour Name  *
641*5113495bSYour Name  * This ini is used to allow multi sap started on same band or not.
642*5113495bSYour Name  * 0 - Disallow multi sap started on same band
643*5113495bSYour Name  * 1 - Allow multi sap started on same band
644*5113495bSYour Name  *
645*5113495bSYour Name  * Supported Feature: SAP
646*5113495bSYour Name  *
647*5113495bSYour Name  * Usage: External
648*5113495bSYour Name  *
649*5113495bSYour Name  * </ini>
650*5113495bSYour Name  */
651*5113495bSYour Name #define CFG_MULTI_SAP_ALLOWED_ON_SAME_BAND \
652*5113495bSYour Name CFG_INI_BOOL("g_multi_sap_allowed_on_same_band", 1, \
653*5113495bSYour Name 	     "Allow multi SAP started on same band")
654*5113495bSYour Name 
655*5113495bSYour Name #ifdef WLAN_FEATURE_SR
656*5113495bSYour Name /*
657*5113495bSYour Name  * <ini>
658*5113495bSYour Name  * g_enable_sr_in_same_mac_conc - Enable/Disable SR in same MAC concurrency
659*5113495bSYour Name  * @Min: 0
660*5113495bSYour Name  * @Max: 1
661*5113495bSYour Name  * @Default: 1
662*5113495bSYour Name  *
663*5113495bSYour Name  * This ini is used to enable/disable SR in same MAC concurrency scenarios.
664*5113495bSYour Name  * 0 - disable SR in same mac concurrency
665*5113495bSYour Name  * 1 - enable SR in same mac concurrency
666*5113495bSYour Name  *
667*5113495bSYour Name  * Ex- If 1st connection STA operating on MAC0 has enabled Spatial Reuse
668*5113495bSYour Name  * already. Then if user tries to bring-up 2nd connection SAP on MAC0
669*5113495bSYour Name  * (STA + SAP (SCC)).
670*5113495bSYour Name  * Now if this INI is not set to 1, then Spatial Reuse gets disabled for
671*5113495bSYour Name  * all the interfaces running on MAC0. Once 2nd connection or concurrency
672*5113495bSYour Name  * interface is disabled, Spatial Reuse gets enabled again.
673*5113495bSYour Name  *
674*5113495bSYour Name  * Related: None.
675*5113495bSYour Name  *
676*5113495bSYour Name  * Supported Feature: Spatial Reuse
677*5113495bSYour Name  *
678*5113495bSYour Name  * Usage: External
679*5113495bSYour Name  *
680*5113495bSYour Name  * </ini>
681*5113495bSYour Name  */
682*5113495bSYour Name #define CFG_ENABLE_SR_IN_SAME_MAC_CONC \
683*5113495bSYour Name CFG_INI_BOOL("g_enable_sr_in_same_mac_conc", 1, \
684*5113495bSYour Name 	     "Enable/Disable SR in Same MAC concurrency")
685*5113495bSYour Name 
687*5113495bSYour Name #else
688*5113495bSYour Name #define CFG_SPATIAL_REUSE
689*5113495bSYour Name #endif
690*5113495bSYour Name 
691*5113495bSYour Name /*
692*5113495bSYour Name  * <ini>
693*5113495bSYour Name  * g_use_original_bw_for_sap_restart - Set sap default BW when do restart
694*5113495bSYour Name  * @Min: 0
695*5113495bSYour Name  * @Max: 1
696*5113495bSYour Name  * @Default: 0
697*5113495bSYour Name  *
698*5113495bSYour Name  * This ini is used to set sap default BW when do restart.
699*5113495bSYour Name  * 0 - Use maximum BW as default BW
700*5113495bSYour Name  * 1 - Use sap original BW as default BW
701*5113495bSYour Name  *
702*5113495bSYour Name  * Supported Feature: SAP
703*5113495bSYour Name  *
704*5113495bSYour Name  * Usage: External
705*5113495bSYour Name  *
706*5113495bSYour Name  * </ini>
707*5113495bSYour Name  */
708*5113495bSYour Name #define CFG_SAP_DEFAULT_BW_FOR_RESTART \
709*5113495bSYour Name CFG_INI_BOOL("g_use_original_bw_for_sap_restart", 0, \
710*5113495bSYour Name 	     "Use SAP original bandwidth when do restart")
711*5113495bSYour Name 
712*5113495bSYour Name /*
713*5113495bSYour Name  * <ini>
714*5113495bSYour Name  * g_move_sap_go_1st_on_dfs_sta_csa - Move SAP / GO first to enforce scc
715*5113495bSYour Name  * @Min: 0
716*5113495bSYour Name  * @Max: 1
717*5113495bSYour Name  * @Default: 0
718*5113495bSYour Name  *
719*5113495bSYour Name  * This ini moves SAP / GO first to enforce scc in STA+SAP (GO) DFS SCC
720*5113495bSYour Name  * 0 - Keep default MCC to SCC enforcement movement
721*5113495bSYour Name  * 1 - Move SAP / GO first before STA's movement to non-DFS channel
722*5113495bSYour Name  *
723*5113495bSYour Name  * In STA+SAP / GO concurrency, SCC is enforced by moving SAP / GO
724*5113495bSYour Name  * to STA's operating channel. STA side, if there is a CSA
725*5113495bSYour Name  * then SCC will be enforced only after STA moves to new channel.
726*5113495bSYour Name  *
727*5113495bSYour Name  * In usecase of STA + GO SCC on DFS channel, CSA is sent with no-TX
728*5113495bSYour Name  * and STA's movement will only happen once CSA count becomes 0.
729*5113495bSYour Name  * This will block data transmission till then, which will have bad
730*5113495bSYour Name  * user experience in case of XR where, it needs to have periodic data
731*5113495bSYour Name  * transmission in every 1 second with GO interface.
732*5113495bSYour Name  *
733*5113495bSYour Name  * To resolve this, it is better to move GO / SAP first to allow 1
734*5113495bSYour Name  * second periodic transmissions. And once the STA moves to new channel,
735*5113495bSYour Name  * existing logic will be triggered to enforce SCC.
736*5113495bSYour Name  *
737*5113495bSYour Name  * This INI is added to change the behavior only in this specific case.
738*5113495bSYour Name  * If this INI is set, then move SAP / GO first upon receiving very first
739*5113495bSYour Name  * CSA from AP to a non-DFS channel. Current MCC to SCC rules will be applied
740*5113495bSYour Name  * once STA moves to new channel after CSA count becomes 0.
741*5113495bSYour Name  *
742*5113495bSYour Name  * Dependency: g_sta_sap_scc_on_dfs_chan, g_enable_go_force_scc
743*5113495bSYour Name  *
744*5113495bSYour Name  * Supported Feature: SAP / P2P-GO
745*5113495bSYour Name  *
746*5113495bSYour Name  * Usage: External
747*5113495bSYour Name  *
748*5113495bSYour Name  * </ini>
749*5113495bSYour Name  */
750*5113495bSYour Name #define CFG_MOVE_SAP_GO_1ST_ON_DFS_STA_CSA \
751*5113495bSYour Name CFG_INI_BOOL("g_move_sap_go_1st_on_dfs_sta_csa", 0, \
752*5113495bSYour Name 	     "Move SAP / GO first to enforce scc on dfs sta csa")
753*5113495bSYour Name 
754*5113495bSYour Name #define CFG_POLICY_MGR_ALL \
755*5113495bSYour Name 		CFG(CFG_MCC_TO_SCC_SWITCH) \
756*5113495bSYour Name 		CFG(CFG_CONC_SYS_PREF) \
757*5113495bSYour Name 		CFG(CFG_MAX_CONC_CXNS) \
758*5113495bSYour Name 		CFG(CFG_DBS_SELECTION_PLCY) \
760*5113495bSYour Name 		CFG(CFG_CHNL_SELECT_LOGIC_CONC) \
761*5113495bSYour Name 		CFG(CFG_ENABLE_CONC_RULE1) \
762*5113495bSYour Name 		CFG(CFG_ENABLE_CONC_RULE2) \
766*5113495bSYour Name 		CFG(CFG_ENABLE_SBS)\
767*5113495bSYour Name 		CFG(CFG_STA_SAP_SCC_ON_DFS_CHAN)\
768*5113495bSYour Name 		CFG(CFG_STA_SAP_SCC_ON_INDOOR_CHAN)\
769*5113495bSYour Name 		CFG(CFG_FORCE_1X1_FEATURE)\
771*5113495bSYour Name 		CFG(CFG_STA_SAP_SCC_ON_LTE_COEX_CHAN)\
772*5113495bSYour Name 		CFG(CFG_NAN_SAP_SCC_ON_LTE_COEX_CHAN) \
774*5113495bSYour Name 		CFG(CFG_ALLOW_MCC_GO_DIFF_BI) \
775*5113495bSYour Name 		CFG(CFG_P2P_GO_ENABLE_FORCE_SCC) \
776*5113495bSYour Name 		CFG(CFG_PCL_BAND_PRIORITY) \
778*5113495bSYour Name 		CFG_SPATIAL_REUSE \
779*5113495bSYour Name 		CFG(CFG_SAP_DEFAULT_BW_FOR_RESTART) \
780*5113495bSYour Name 		CFG(CFG_MOVE_SAP_GO_1ST_ON_DFS_STA_CSA)
781*5113495bSYour Name #endif